Fschmidt #fundie christianforums.com

My concrete political suggestion is, of course, impractical fantasy at this point. But it is still concrete. It is that men and women should never vote in the same election. There should be a government of men elected by men. Women should have an option either to submit to the government of men or to run their own government to govern themselves. The main thing is that women should never be allowed to impose their political will on men. If women want equality, they can have it in their own government. I suspect that women would actually have no interest in this because women don't actually want equality, what they want is to impose their will on men. Women have no interest in passing laws that only restrict their own behavior.

Now for the practical. Religion is the practical solution. A sound religion does not allow women to impose their will on men. Examples include the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and Orthodox Judaism. Those who are repulsed by the abuses of feminism should be a member of such a religion. In my group in El Paso, if it ever grows in size, I will put my suggestion above into practice. Women in the group who want equality can organize their own subgroup for women.



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