Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist. "He was ruler of the world, his actions were the opposite of the Christ, he lied to all nations, and was wounded yet lived".
George Walker Bush Jr. was/is the "'2nd Beast' who exercised the authority/power of the 1st Beast and his actions were the opposite of the Christ's. He 'made fire come down from the heavens' with the 'destruction of Babylon' (War In Iraq)".
United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the beast that everyone must have to buy or sell with" - The Revelation Chapter 13. On the back of the US $1 Dollar Bill, the #13 is encoded 13 times.
"Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist."
"George Walker Bush Jr. was/is the "'2nd Beast'"...
For a change, I think many of us would agree!
At work, my job is to create user accounts, and passwords are to be six characters long. Dear YHWH, how many Antichrists have I made up?
To those who doubt 'Beast Hunter' was serious: People caught up in numerology, gematria, etc. are serious all right. Completely fucking insane but serious.
Check out Brad Watson (when I saw this, I thought it was going to be his shit), who fancies himself the Messiah AND the reincarnation of Albert Einstein!
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number. Its number is six hundred & sixty six.
This is just basic conspiracy nonsense, easily discarded.
Cool story, bro. But wasn't the antichrist supposed to lead the nation into 7 years of peace and then into the rapture? I don't think you could find 7 years of peace during Reagan's presidency, let alone in the world in the past 100 years. And seeing as how he died kind of makes the idea of him being the antichrist moot.
Karkat (6) Vantas (6)
Aradia (6) Megido (6)
Tavros (6) Nitram (6)
Sollux (6) Captor (6)
Nepeta (6) Leijon (6)
Kanaya (6) Maryam (6)
Terezi (6) Pyrope (6)
Vriska (6) Serket (6)
Equius (6) Zahhak (6)
Gamzee (6) Makara (6)
Eridan (6) Ampora (6)
Feferi (6) Peixes (6)
Even Vriska, Karkat and Eridan are baffled by your stupidity. And they've seen some weird shit.
AG: Oh my G8D what is this 8ullshit????????
CA: wwhat the shell am i reading
Isn't numerology a form of witchcraft?
Didn't Jesus say no one could know when he was returning?
Wouldn't predicting the events of Revelation be witchcraft?
If you are spouting prophecies you cannot know, then you must be a false prophet.
Why are we suffering you to live, witch?
Yet another godtard that ignores the very obvious flaws in their theories. Namely that the dollar is losing value like an aging street whore outside a proper bordello and that Bush acted more in keeping with Christian values than his predecessor. He was a moron, sure, but then that really only backs my assertion.
Beast Hunter is top of the class when it comes to counting, but his teacher does wish that he'd stop interrupting the lesson by pointing out how many letters make up words, as well as his annoying tendency to gasp when three words with six letters are said in succession.
well Beast Hunter is certainly dumb but i won't refute their points.
@reptillian Jew
Youre Homestuck, Im Homestuck, who else on here is Homestuck I wonder
Dude, just because Bush was a terrible president, he's the Antichrist? Also, Bumblebee's a beast hunter, you're just an idiot.
I have read much of it.
The Way the Number was calculated, was from the Roman Counting system
Which gives a Value of 666. The Think with '616', is that the 'L' part is omitted from one of the early manuscripts, leaving us with DCXVI
The Bible clearly uses the gematria code of "666" to identify the "1st Beast"/Antichrist. For those of you who don't like this, then you're saying you don't like the Word of GOD. That's your choice; you have free-will. But you're wrong and now that the Christ has returned, you'll be "judged according(74) to your actions." - Revelation 22:12
Ronald(6) W.(1) Reagan(6) is how the 40th President's name appears on most lists of US Presidents.
Wow, numbers, scary. Yawn.
Not anywhere near as scary as delusional religious people killing people for imagined insults of an imaginary sky-pixie for which there is absolutely no evidence.
GOD(3): the Holy Trinity
Liberty(7) Bell(4): symbolic of July 4th (7/4)
Sabbath(7)/Shabbat(7)/Shabbos(7) on seventh(7) day
E PLURIBUS UNUM(13): symbolic of 13 Original States
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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