David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
All Sensual Dancing is Dirty!
“It is good for a man not to touch a woman.” —1st Corinthians 7:1
One of the most disgusting and sinful movies ever produced is “Dirty Dancing.” Dirty Dancing (1987) starred Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey, and Jerry Orbach. The great evangelist, Billy Sunday, preached uncompromisingly against dancing—would to God that more preachers had the guts to do so today. The Apostle Paul cautions us in 1st Corinthians 7:1 concerning touching the opposite sex (i.e., a person to whom we are not married).
Adultery always begins with a mere “touch” of the opposite sex. Kindly, married ladies, don't ever let a man to whom you are not married touch you, without you rebuking him. You tell him, “Please don't touch me!” or “I don't like that!” Let him laugh or think what he wants, I am a man and I am telling you... men will test you!!! If he touches you once, and you allow it, he will likely touch you twice, and it will continue. If you are okay with that, get right with God!!!
“All things truly wicked start from an innocence.” —Ernest Hemingway
No man should ever touch a woman to whom he is not married. This Scripture also applies to women. If it's NOT good for a man to touch a woman to whom he is not married, then it is certainly not good for a woman to allow a man to touch her either (unless it's her husband). Ladies, if you touch a man, and he is lonely, he may fall in love with you. So be careful.