lightwave #fundie

Actually the interpretation of the evidence of the old earth is what you mean.

This forum has beaten to death all of the arguments for and against each position, and it alway boils down to the interpretation of the evidence.

Science - repeatable/reproducible observations borne on active experimentation

Evolution - assertions an interpretations about the deep past using inanimate matter - largely from shaman bone-whisperers and rock-whisperers.

Evolution is so far removed from anything resembling science that it hardly bears discussion. (yawn)

If we've not been here for all these so-called billions of years, evolution has no ability to garner mental assent of any kind.

That people still buy into evolution, in any shape or form, is just a testimony to the gullibility of mankind.

Evolution is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind. Smarter people than I am have examined the same evidence and reached the same conclusion.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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