Actually the interpretation of the evidence of the old earth is what you mean.
This forum has beaten to death all of the arguments for and against each position, and it alway boils down to the interpretation of the evidence.
Science - repeatable/reproducible observations borne on active experimentation
Evolution - assertions an interpretations about the deep past using inanimate matter - largely from shaman bone-whisperers and rock-whisperers.
Evolution is so far removed from anything resembling science that it hardly bears discussion. (yawn)
If we've not been here for all these so-called billions of years, evolution has no ability to garner mental assent of any kind.
That people still buy into evolution, in any shape or form, is just a testimony to the gullibility of mankind.
Evolution is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind. Smarter people than I am have examined the same evidence and reached the same conclusion.
Why is it fundies constantly claim that things that are science aren't? I am ever amazed at just how thick witted you all are.
Shaman bone-whisperers? Rock Whisperers? You big fan of Jennifer Love Hewitt?
Ohhh, geologists and paleontologists! You mean real scientists ! Not those daffy pseudo-scientists that try to peddle creationism under the guise of the junk science "Intelligent Design".
"Smarter people than I am have examined the same evidence and reached the same conclusion.'
Yeah, smart people like Supersport, Carico, Dad, AV1611VET, Ray Comfort........
Smarter people than I am have examined the same evidence and reached the same conclusion.
"Smarter than you" is pretty vague. It's like saying that someone who breathes air probably believes in dragons.
"Smarter people than I am" (which would be about anyone with a measurable IQ). Your inability to disprove evolution has led extreme hypocrisy(shamans are priests and medicine men, far more likely to advocate creationism although probably one of the other 200 religious creation stories beside your particular myth of choice) and extreme begging of the question(interpretation of the evidence would leave you YECs with nothing to discuss, you have none) by hoping that everyone is as gullible as you.
"Science - repeatable/reproducible observations borne on active experimentation"
Alright, go make a dirt statue, give it CPR, and see what happens.
Creation is so far removed from anything resembling science that it hardly bears discussion. (yawn)
That people still buy into creation , in any shape or form, is just a testimony to the gullibility of mankind.
Creation is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind. Smarter people than I am have examined the same evidence and reached the same conclusion.
Is it still cool to fix quotes?
"This forum has beaten to death all of the arguments for and against each position, and it alway boils down to the interpretation of the evidence. "
And, yet, like your zombie jesus, creationism refuses to die.
Evolution is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.
And yet we don't charge admission to listen to what we have to say, unlike a church.
"If we've not been here for all these so-called billions of years, evolution has no ability to garner mental assent of any kind."
No one with any sense claims that humans have been here for billions of years.
"Evolution is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind. Smarter people than I am have examined the same evidence and reached the same conclusion."
Meaningless as people smarter than you are a dime a dozen. They're everywhere. They're all those persons with more than three active brain cells.
Damnit! Now I need to replace my irony-meter...
Evolution - assertions an interpretations about the deep past using inanimate matter - largely from shaman bone-whisperers and rock-whisperers.
Short answer: No!
Long answer: You're talking out of your ass.
Evolution is reproducable. Mankind has steered and sped up evolution on many occasions. Bananas, dairy cows and many different breeds of dogs are very good examples of how we've decided which traits we want to preserve in the following generations.
"Evolution - assertions an interpretations about the deep past using inanimate matter - largely from shaman bone-whisperers and rock-whisperers."
Yes. We make up a bullshit story, then we invent the data to prove it.
Oh, you were not talking about religion?
Science - repeatable/reproducible observations borne on active experimentation
Christianity - assertions an interpretations about the deep past using inanimate matter - largely from shaman bone-whisperers and rock-whisperers.
Christianity is so far removed from anything resembling science that it hardly bears discussion. (yawn)
"Smarter people than I am have examined the same evidence and reached the same conclusion. "
But none of them are named Steve.
Horse whisperers, dog whisperers, even ghost whispers ... I can accept. But, WTF is a rock-whisperer?
Hmmm. Come to think of it, the existence of rock-whisperers might just explain those voices fundies so often hear in their granite-hard heads.
Smarter people than I am have examined the same evidence and reached the same conclusion.
They were twice as smart, and their IQ's still weren't above room temperature.....
Actually, we prefer to use Mage bone-whisperers and rock-whisperers.
A Mage can do as much spelldamage as an elemental-specced Shaman, but he also has crowd-control capabilities that come in really handy on a big pull.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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