silver14 #conspiracy

Extraterrestrials Ready To Enter Earth Center Stage On Cue

The United Nations (UN) one-world government is laying out the red carpet for its alien masters, according to insiders within the totalitarian regime.
As the chief organization of the New World Order, the UN has already established the Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA).
Now it has appointed a Malaysian 'astrophysicist' - Mazlan Othman - to head the welcoming party.

"The timing is highly significant," said Professor William H Carpenter, leader of the Carpenter Foundation for Intergalactic Networking. "We know that the Pope, the vicar of the New World Order, was making preparations.

"The UN may be happy about a visit from thousands of extraterrestrials in highly advanced craft with devastating weapons, but most people are going to feel a tad uneasy."
There will be riots, said the Prof. He advises everyone to stay calm, buy guns and make sure you have plenty of canned food.

NASA says that rising greenhouse emissions may have tipped off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat. “Watching from afar, extraterrestrials have viewed changes in Earth’s atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilization out of control – and are taking drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat,”

The Earth is ready for its alien saviors and there couldn't be a better time then now. Everything is in place, wars and rumors of wars, pestilence and famine, natural catastrophes all over the earth, oceans dying from nuclear catastrophes.

September 2015 would be the perfect time for disclosure and first contact since multiple prophetic events converge at this time.

Many speculate that Pope Francis visit to the US will be the catalyst for disclosure and first contact.

The evidence of extraterrestrial entities involvement on early indigenous American history is overwhelming and it dates back to the ruins of the ancient Anasazi, a mysterious American people that disappeared suddenly during what the investigators allege was an invasion by 6-toed giants under a fallen reptilian that came through a portal.
Investigators agree that according to prophetic implications and actual evidence, these entities are ready to come back to our realm.


Get ready to be razzled and dazzled with mile long UFO's!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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