Fundamentalism is the one mindset which the human race must depend on for its very survival. Ignore it and you get Hitlers, Stalins, and other other Godless countries out to kill everyone.
"Fundamentalism is the one mindset which the human race must reject for its very survival. Ignore it and you get Bin Ladens, Mohammed Omars, and other other God-obsessed cults out to kill everyone."
There. Fixed.
Fundamentalism is the one mindset that can paint an entire race or grouping of people as "unholy" and mark them for death. Doesn't have to be religious fundamentalism, either.
T&T is just out for attention now, isn't he?
Fundamentalism is, in practical terms, synonymous with religious absolutism, and Hitler and Stalin are damn good examples of absolutists. Your anaolgy backfires.
Hitler was a Christian and ignore it and you have no inquisition, no witchhunt, no quaker genocide. People are not idiot, dear.
Hitler: Catholic.
Stalin: Prove that it was his atheism that made him evil. Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, anyone?
"All those other non-fundamentalist" nations: What, you mean like Iceland and the other secular nations that are doing great at this moment?
You mean keep an eye on the Fundamentalists, so they don't take over, right? Both Hitler and Stalin were rather fundamentalistic, one to the right, one to the left. None of them were godless, as Stalin's Russia worshiped Stalin as a god. Both were megalomaniacs - that was their main fault, not the gods or the political views.
Btw, I really hate those words; "right" and "left". They are like "correct" and "the other one".
"Fundamentalism is the one mindset which the human race must depend on for its very survival. Ignore it and you get Hitlers, Stalins, and other other Godless countries out to kill everyone."
Hitler was a Christian. Stalin, with his Cult of Personality, considered himself a god.
Both had absolute power of life & death over people.
Just like the Crusaders, Tomas de Torquemada, the Conquistadores, the KKK, Lord's Resistance Army...
Your call, T&T.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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