TVURocksAmerica229 #fundie

Revrand [another poster] is Satan's servant and he is under the power of Satan. I don't care WHAT anyone thinks of me, but I know that this person is under control of demons. He needs to repent and surrender his life to JEsus Christ and the one true God. As I was reading this forum, i just started crying because I can't believe my generation. It just digusts me that satan is deceiving so many people into beleiveing his lies. We Christians need to stand up to this oppresion under the power of Jesus Christ and resist. We have power over the enemy and satan and his followers are already crushed under the Almighty God. We need to stand up against this now and expose the truth of our God to this country.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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