As we observe, politicians bend to pop culture. Clergymen bend to pop culture. Governments bend to pop culture. The owners of the world's central bank dictate pop culture through the media.
As for the Republican Party, they are selling their membership like wanton whores to Blacks, Browns, and LGBTs now, without shame or regret; determined to match the Democratic Party in betraying normal, conservative Whites.
Consider the facts:
- Slaves were freed, but not repatriated to Africa. Lincoln engineered it and Republicans approved it.
- Civil Rights Laws passed. Republicans voted for it.
- Desegregation laws passed, Republicans voted for it.
- Miscegenation laws were abolished. Republicans voted for it.
- Mass amnesty for illegal Mestizos was engineered by Reagan. Republicans voted for it.
- NAFTA was developed by Bush I. Republicans voted for it.
- Jeb Bush married a Mestizo.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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