Gadfly #fundie
God and the United States are merged very strongly.
This needs a thread all by its self. Some are having trouble in understanding elementary school civics. In elementary civics we teach the "separation o church and state" whereas we do not teach "separation of state and God." As difficult as this concept is for some liberals who try to twist American freedom into some type of humanism and moral relativity, Americans have chosen an absolute God as the bases of government. Why can some of you not see our freedoms folks not grasp the truth that Americans have never given up their faith in God? Americans have used the instructions of God to build on the Rock our freedoms and liberties into our government.
America is unique among democratic countries because we have kept God as a provider of our self-evident rights. If we allow humanist and liberals to take God out of government. as we rightly have done the church. we no longer have an authority for America;s greatness. When God is gone then we are gone as a unique country and our freedoms and liberties are gone.