Remember when Michael Sam was the big story? Now he's taken a back seat to these alleged abusers. You think NFL players just started beating their wives and kids? Wake up! This is a planned distraction to sneak Michael Sam into the league so he can infiltrate the league with Obama's gay agenda from within.
Oh no! A gay guy might get to play football!
And for some reason, this is a worse situation than domestic violence?!?
Remember when Michael Sam was the big story? Now he's taken a back seat to these alleged abusers.
Because once news is old, it's not news any more.
This is a planned distraction to sneak Michael Sam into the league so he can infiltrate the league with Obama's gay agenda from within.
Because gay people forced football players to beat their wives so gay people can turn said football players gay. Or something like that. The thing is that he was already picked up by the Cowboys, so why distract everyone with domestic abuse afterwards?
@ Goomy pls
What, don't you know? The fags are all one big evil hive mind. And if Anon Cow is correct (which he totally is) the faggot hive mind overlaps with the nigger hive mind. And you know what that means, right?
THE JEWS!!!!!11!1!
Okay, exactly did "THEY" (a subsidiary of JewCo, apparently) convince whatsisname and the other feller (I neither follow football nor give a particular shit) to abuse their alledged loved ones to further the gay agenda. I mean, they had to have told the players what to do, right?
"Hey fella, go whale on your kids for a bit!"
"Um...but I love my kids, why would I do that?"
"To distract people while we slip a gay man into the NFL!"
"Makes perfect and undeniably rational sense."
Heres a hint, numpty, if "THEY" want gay people in the NFL, then there will be gay people in the NFL. I mean, "THEY" obviously couldn't give a fuck what you and your tin-foil topped bretheren say or think, so why the need for a diversion?
Domestic violence is appalling and unacceptable. A loving, healthy relationship between two consenting adults is anything but. Since Michael Sam didn't get caught abusing people or animals, his private life is irrelevant. Accordingly, the overwhelming majority of society doesn't give a fuck about it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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