TheEngineer19 #sexist

There is nothing more disgusting than the female race

Female Humanoid Organisms are truly disgusting. Everything about them is disgusting and degenerate. You just can't deny that every physical and mental aspect of women is disgusting.

Let's start with their personalities. All women have the same personality, and they apply this personality differently to people who fit into four categories:

First is other women. Around other women the femaloid can reveal what a disgusting creature she is, with other women she can air her views on every subject she finds interesting. She can gossip about how big Chad's cock is, or how ugly the Incel at work is and she can also compare how many orbiters she has with her friends.

Second is Chad. With Chad she can flirt, laugh and tell jokes. This is when a female is most happy and is able to be herself, which is a filthy slut. With Chad women can be as filthy and degenerate as they want, such as eating Chad's shit from his asshole to being gang banged by Tyrone. A femaloid can reveal what a parasite she really is around Chad, so make sure to observe.

Third is the Normie male. A femoid will have several normies orbiting her. These normies will boost her self esteem before she goes and fucks Chad and they may even get lucky once in a while. The Normie is also there for her to see which betabux she will settle with once she is used up by Chad. She will choose her Normie like a predator selecting it's prey and then suck him dry. Femaloids will act like they are friendly around normies, when really they are poisonous snakes.

Finally is the Incel. A female does not view him as human and he is merely a toilet for her to shit in. If she could kill him, she would. She fantasises daily about throwing him and other ugly males in a gas chamber. If a female is a 3/10 or below she may have to deal with the fac that she may have to settle with an Incel for his betabux. A female shows her cruelest nature here.

The second most disgusting thing about females is their monthly habit of pissing and shitting blood in order to clean out leftover Chad cum. This is the most disgusting thing about a female.

Finally is the female habit of wearing fake-up and high heels in order to attract Chads and shit all over Incels and manlets. I personally think these disgusting breeding displays should be banned.

Females are truly disgusting creatures who deserve to lose all their rights and be nothing less than parasites.



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