Guest #racist
[In response to the claim 'It's not that big a deal anymore that races aren't mentioned in crime stories - they just simply don't even need to anymore. Everyone knows.']
Everyone knows but they don't know the extent. For example, one in three black males, 19 to 29 is in prison. Every one with a rap sheet as long as my arm. Which begs the many of them are not in prison, with rap sheets only half as long as my arm?
Separate hispanics out of white crime stats and basically, white, violent crime is zero.
Covering up these facts is most certainly a big deal. Whites, like the frog slowly being boiled to death in the pot, have not realized how bad it has gotten. Just two generations ago, the average person left their keys in the car (because no one would ever think to steal it) and didn't bother to lock their door at night. A black person stupid enough to come into a white neighborhood got his head beaten in by the cops...if he was lucky enough not to be discovered by white living which case he simply disappeared. Nobody had to watch their children as they were perfectly safe playing in the neighborhood. Often, far away.
Today, I can't even take my niece out for ice cream without feeling the itch to fondle my concealed Glock as various ambiguous thugs float in and out of my personal space.