Gullible-Redditor #sexist

17 year old sisters Chad bf is sleeping over again, i feel violated in my own home

its so sickening im 22 i go to my miserable job and then come home and sit here alone in my room every day for the past 4 years, extremely depressed, anxiety, and all my copes are failing i cant enjoy weed or video games anymore. music is the only thing i have anymore and its slowly beginning to lose me.

on top of all of this mental torture, my 17 year old sister is in the next room cuddling with and fucking her 6ft2 chadlite BF, who is allowed to sleep over on weekends. life is just so fucked man i dont know how to handle this shit anymore. while i sit here and rot my sister 5 years younger is riding cock. i cant handle the sound of them fucking or even the sound of kissing, so now while her BF is over, i now instinctively put in my headphones as soon as I come out of my room so the sex/kissing noises get drowned out. its gotten to the point where im walking around my house with headphones on all the time even if hes not over and my parents asked me whats wrong with me.

all of my fucking problems would subside if i had a gf and i wasnt so fucking lonely. FUCK anyone who says that you dont deserve or arent entitled to love. im not asking for a fucking 10/10 model, i just want my looksmatch and id even settle for lower. i dont even give a fuck about sex, i want to cuddle and watch movies and go for drives together and go out to dinner together. its not the sex i fantasize about its the moments spent together. im soooo sick of these fucking FAGGOTS from IT who claim you can live a normal fulfilled life and be well adjusted if you're alone all the time.

i would say its over but it truly never began for me



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