this man has astounded many. the entire world is practically falling to his feet worshipping him. i believe with all of my heart he will continue to arise in power just as the Bible tells us and he will go on to the new holy roman empire aka the europian union to become the EUROPIAN UNION PRESIDENT! THEN hell on earth begins! it is falling together TO perfectly between the new world order forming into place right be4 r eyes and the mark of the beast forming into place all at the same time!
Hmmm and previously christians have predicted that Hitler, Kruschev, Kennedy, Breshnev, Reagan, Gorbachev, and Hussein where all 'the anti christ' as well as the EU itself (when it had 10 nations some fundy wrote a book claiming they where the 10 heads of the beast). And I do not doubt in another 10 years you will find another 'beast' who 'fits perfectly with prophecy'...and again in 20 years, 30 years, etc.
Considering that President-elect Obama not a citizen of any European nation in the EU and that the United States is not even a member, I wonder how he's going to pull that trick off.
I'd say fixing the economy, restoring the Constitution, and stopping two wars may be more than enough for the first term.
honey, if you honestly think ANY US president would become European President, you don't understand our politics.
We can't even settle on a single seat for the commission: it rattles between Brussels and Strasbourg once a month and then back again.
The politicians also fight like cats and dogs
why hasn't evolution killed off people like this yet? we're saving too many people these days damn it. we're lowering our gene pool! FORCED NATURAL SELECTION NOW!! SAVE THE GENE POOL!! people magazine should be rigged with mustard gas! E! should contain subliminal messages to tell people to hang themselves! uninformed conspiracy theorists who cite the bible should receive microwaves from their computers which should blow their brains up, thus removing their genes thankfully from the gene pool!
Are you mad?
The Holy Roman Empire was abolished by Napoleon in the early 1800s. It was famous described as beng neither Holy, Roman, or an Empire.
The European Union is no empire either. It is a free association of sovereign states that of their own volition are bound together for mutual comfort and benefit, and with its principal aims being economic wellbeing and the avoidance of the wars which regularly devastated the European continent. I need hardly say it has been eminently successful in this. Moreover, there are more than enough Europeans capable and willing to become president of the Union for the six months term that their country has in terms of formulating policies. Such a person has no political powers in their own right. You sadly misunderstand what Europe is about.
Besides, why do I bother even telling you this. You will believe anything that fits with your ridiculous apocalytic vision, even though John's Revelation referred to Nero and the Roman Empire of his own day.
You are pathetic.
I've asked many a fundy where this stuff is found in the bible, and have not gotten an answer. I've read the bible many times, I still read it, and I have yet to find anything about Obama, a 'revived Roman Empire', or the European Union. Maybe it's that liberal KJV version I keep using.
My favorite thing about Obama is the way he brings people together. Religious zealots, conspiracy theorists, and racists, for example.
the entire world is practically falling to his feet worshipping him
No they're not. They just respect him as an honest man who listens to other people, unlike the liar-President, my-way-or-the-highway Dubya. The Iraqis just signed an agreement about assuming responsibility and removing US troops. They had refused to sign it before, because they thought GWB was a liar who wouldn't hold up his end of the bargain. But they figure Obama is honest, so they can sign it, knowing he'll be President when the agreement actually takes effect.
Notice Obama, if we were to take this seriously, has to be elected in the EU before it happens "right before our eyes". So either Vessel is counting their chickens before they hatch to support a faith in destruction, or he's a fortune teller and thus is the tool of Satan by biblical standards.
Your last line is translated below:
it is fallign together TO (as in going to a place, pointing to something; implies direction) perfectly between the new world order forming into place right be4 (be, as in a state of be ing, four -- a number, one above three; used to express an amount of something) r (a letter of the alphabet -- has no recognised meaning of it's own -- in internet slang, serves as a shortform for "are", a second-person way of referring to a state of being; ie, they are wearing red) eyes and the mark of the beast forming into place all at the same time!
As you can see, it makes no sense whatsoever. Please go away and learn basic grammar before trying to make a point.
Like we Europeans would accept Obama as EU President.
Nothing against Obama, but this is Europe not America. We elect our leaders from among our own.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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