It is known that every religion opposes homosexuality, even Islam and Hinduism. Even the Satanic Bible condemns it not just because it gives free will (which is against Satanic teachings) but it will disrupt the growth of the Satanic race, which is the same reason why the devil's bible supports the idea of women as property. So with this fact there's not much a difference between Satanism and the so-called "Christian" fundentalism which is not true Christianity.
the different variants of The Wiccan Rede:
An it harm none, do as thou wilt
Do what you will, so long as it harms none
An it harm none, do what thou wilt
That it harm none, do as thou wilt
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, An it harm none do what ye will.
I've actually read LaVey's Satanic Bible, and it says nothing of the sort.
Admittedly though, LaVey was always more about style than substance, so I can't take him all that seriously.
I guess this was accepted of the bullshit about the Satanic Bible.
LaVeyan Satanism isn't against free will. At all. Free will is encouraged by it, actually. "You are your own God".
One voice is mixing up fundies' preaching and the Satanic Bible.
Lets quote The Satanic Bible, chapter VI Satanic Sex: "Satanism condones any type of sexual activity which properly satisfies your individual desires - be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or even asexual, if you choose."
Thus, you fail.
Fundmentalism Christianity does not follow the true teachings of Christ, therefore it is not True Christianity. I think what the poster is saying is that since the devil is the "god of lies" and since fundie christian is speading lies it is pointed to comparisons to satanism. That's my take. I'm a Christian but towards what the religious right says the "liberal christain" side, but unlike them I follow the true teachings of Jesus, like helping others and not judging.
This reads as a gay-bashing, "No True Scotsman" to me. It's fundy in that even while denying that other's of his religion are, in fact, part of that religion, he's using a fallacious "fact" that even other religions agree with him.
It's a horribly twisted logic loop, of which fundies are quite adept at making.
Actually, the Greek Gods often had homosexual relationships themselves.
We learned that in World History last week, so you're way behind.
so LaVey was inspired by Satan? Meh, not as bad as some shit I've seen here.
But really, his book is better than yours. Or at least, The Book of Lucifer totally kicks ass at pwning yours.
"Christian" fundentalism which is not true Christianity."
No true Scotsman fallacy, as well as the 'only my brand of christianity is right' fundy-ism.
A message to grace:
You are not a true Christian. Christians hate gays. Christians do not misintepritate the Bible. The Truth is the Bible, and it is God's Word. Lastly, women are to be in the kitchen, not on the computer, BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL AND INFERIOR AS GOD SAYS IT!!!
Now fuck off BITCH.
My, my, what a cute little troll we have in Mr. VERY.
Tell me, if your name isn't meant to be ironic, or your post sarcastic, are you just jealous of her "do unto others" attitude? She seems to be following your Savior's teachings much better than you are. Or do you worship Paul and his teachings instead? :)
Most of the big religions don't have any consistent heterosexual-supremacist position. There are denominations of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and any range of other faiths that are quite willing to promote full equality for sexual minorities, others that support Obama-style paternalistic second-class status, and still others that go for fundie-style genocidal heterosexual supremacy.
@ Shadowbell --
Actually, it depends on the denomination of...well, all of the ones you listed. Just like with Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and the various Vedic religions.
Even if every religion did oppose homosexuality (which isn't true), you really should realize that at this juncture there are millions (billions?) of people who do NOT give a shit about religion.
So, maybe not fundie in the strict sense, but still a post based on the traditional fundie fallacy that everyone's life should be governed by some belief in the invisible or other.
All the more reason to be an atheist.
Also, for what it's worth, while there are some Buddhist figures who oppose homosexuality, there is very little mention of it in most accepted Buddhist teachings at all, positive or negative. Pretty sure Buddhism is a religion, asshat.
First off, there are several different denominations of Satanism and the Satanic Bible is only applicable to one of them (Granted, the largest but still).
Secondly, I have actually read the book and there is no condemnation of homosexuality in it. Nor is there any support for the idea of women as property, you lying bastard.
Thirdly, no there isn't much difference between how (some forms of) Satanism and fundie Christianity view God. The difference is that we have enough self-respect not to call a sadistic tyrant "good" just because he's more powerful than us.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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