(From another review of "The Pink Swastika")
Scott Lively, of Abiding Truth Ministries, and Kevin E. Abrams have done their homework before writing this book. Thoroughly documenting evidence regarding the rise of the Nazi Regime, this book gives keen insight into the dangerous homosexual political agenda gaining power in America today. You will understand that homosexuals don't really want a part in the institution of marriage, they want to destroy it! You will learn why homosexuals show up at pro-abortion activities - on the pro-abort side. Homosexuals will not stop short of creating a society of unlimited sexual license and abortion is a means to this end. Sexual deviancy has destroyed numerous nations before us. Hopefully this book will wake people up, especially Christians, to the fact that we better get involved in the culture wars, or lose the little remaining light for the Gospel this nation has been for the world in the past. We are to occupy until Jesus comes again. Pastors, especially, need to read this book and start leading their congregations before they lose their right to congregate. This is a huge part of loving our neighbor.
@ Paschal Wagner: I Lol'd.
@ S. Guengerich: WTF do homosexuals and abortion have to do with the Nazis? Maybe it's because I just got home from work and I'm tired, but seriously -- wut?
My brain hurts.
Gay, nazi, pro-abortionists against marriage? Do you people ever listen to yourselves? What am I saying, of course you don't.
"The pink swastika" - the title alone is strong evidence of total ignorance on the part of the authors, given the original reason the colour pink was associated with homsexuality in the first place, the pink triangle used by none other than the Nazis to label homosexual political prisoners.
A homosexual agenda carried out by the Nazis? I mean, sure mate, it isn't as if the Nazi Party -- what with their extreme right-wing stance -- HATED or PERSECUTED homosexuals now, is it?
Oh no, they LOVED gays and lesbians . . .
"Sexual deviancy has destroyed numerous nations before us."
Really? Go on, then, enlighten me. But beware, correlation does not equate causation especially when it's a bunch of cherry-picked, made-up, bigoted nonsense.
"Sexual deviancy has destroyed numerous nations before us."
Yeah? Name one. The two famous ones for this bullshit are, of course, Rome and Greece. Unfortunately, neither was "destroyed" by homosexual behavior. It didn't even help them along.
"Hopefully this book will wake people up, especially Christians, to the fact that we better get involved in the culture wars, or lose the little remaining light for the Gospel this nation has been for the world in the past. We are to occupy until Jesus comes again."
What is it with you people and military references? All this talk of "culture wars" and "occupation". You're a strange bunch.
"Pastors, especially, need to read this book and start leading their congregations before they lose their right to congregate. This is a huge part of loving our neighbor."
You're fucking delusional.
And let me guess,
the reason why Hitler persecuted not only jews and gipsies, but also homosexuals was, that he was mad at them because they never invited him to their gay orgies ;)
Homosexuals DO want a part in the institution of marriage, that's what they are working towards.
Homosexuals are neither more nor less sexually active than heterosexuals. They just want to have the same rights as heterosexuals, to live in peace and be left alone. And be able to marry the one they love.
Well, Hitler had armies of Jews and Roma, that he used to persecute Christians. Right? He had some gay armies, but he had more Jews working for him.
Oh yes because the homosexual agenda involves persecuting themselves and being tortured in even worse ways than the Jews were. Where exactly does the Nazi persecution of homosexuals and Paragraph 175 fit in to this bullshit conspiracy theory?
Slanderers like Scott Lively (of Abiding by Falsehoods to Promote Bigotry Ministries), Kevin E. Abrams and yourself always have to rewrite history and make up absolute bullshit to support your perverted, neo-nazi ideologies. You don't deserve any respect. While we're at it, why don't I write a book scapegoating Christians as causing their own persecution in ancient Rome?
[We are to occupy until Jesus comes again. Pastors, especially, need to read this book and start leading their congregations before they lose their right to congregate. This is a huge part of loving our neighbor.]
Congratulations! You're a fascist and you have absolutely no understanding of the concept of Jesus's second most important commandment! That's a double whammy!
Horsefeathers beat me to it.
"Scott Lively, of Abiding Truth Ministries, and Kevin E. Abrams..."
Anyone who attempts to preempt your good judgment by telling you that they are about to tell you the truth is probably lying.
I could make a case that the Christian religion was responsible for the fall of Rome and Byzantium. If sexual deviancy were to blame, why did it take centuries?
Notice the fifth column.
This is a huge part of loving our neighbor.
You forgot to add:
...unless you're gay, pro-choice, feminist, muslim, atheist, agnostic, deist, in agreement with science on topics such as evolution and abiogenesis, liberal, the ACLU, a reader of Harry Potter, a player of D&D or anyone else you decide that you don't like.
This is a huge part of loving our neighbor.
Wait, that makes it all ok.
@Paschal Wagner, nice one. could'nt have put it better myself.
you really are a falicious little turd are you not?? so please rem,ind me again which nations have fallen due to deviancy. Trust me on this you fuckwit i have many gay and lesbian and bisexual freinds (hell even my missus loves the ladies) but funnily enough not a single one of them have commented on myself and my wife, or the institute of marriage, So fuck you. may i just remind you that there are many animals that display homosexual behaviour of which we are just one. so it is not evil or sinful or any other dumfuckwittery its just nature doing her thing!!!
i have to be honest im even supprised you can read, being that stupid.
@Paschal Wagner, nice one. could'nt have put it better myself.
you really are a falicious little turd are you not?? so please rem,ind me again which nations have fallen due to deviancy. Trust me on this you fuckwit i have many gay and lesbian and bisexual freinds (hell even my missus loves the ladies) but funnily enough not a single one of them have commented on myself and my wife, or the institute of marriage, So fuck you. may i just remind you that there are many animals that display homosexual behaviour of which we are just one. so it is not evil or sinful or any other dumfuckwittery its just nature doing her thing!!!
i have to be honest im even supprised you can read, being that stupid.
"You will learn why homosexuals show up at pro-abortion activities - on the pro-abort side."
If you study reality you will learn there is no such thing as pro-abortion activities - but there are anti-choice activities.
You may also notice that the Nazis put all homosexuals in prison - just like you try to do.
I'm still kinda unclear why homosexuals are looking to create "a society of unlimited [...] abortion". I always thought that one of the other big hissy fits of the fundies was that marriage is for procreation, and two people of the same sex can't make babies. So if there are no babies, what's to abort?
Gee, a fundie argument not making sense. Who'd'a thunk it?
While it is true that were a number of homosexuals in the top ranks of Hitler's S.A. (better known as brownshirts), Hitler KILLED them a short time after taking office.
However, the majority of Hitler's supporters from the beginning were heterosexual.
"You will learn why homosexuals show up at pro-abortion activities - on the pro-abort side."
You will understand that homosexuals don't really want a part in the institution of marriage, they want to destroy it!
Over 40% of divorces are done by Christian couples. What can gays do to "destroy" marriage that you haven't already done?
Sexual deviancy has destroyed numerous nations before us.
Religion has destroyed many more nations than homosexuality.
This is a huge part of loving our neighbor.
Yes, comparing your neighbor to a nazi is very loving.
"Hopefully this book will wake people up, especially Christians, to the fact that we better get involved in the culture wars..."
I also hope the Xians are finally going to get involved. Up to this point I didn't know they had an opinion on homosexuality. They've been virtually silent on the matter.
'Pastors, especially, need to read this book and start leading their congregations before they lose their right to congregate. This is a huge part of loving our neighbor.'
As usual, fundies think 'loving our neighbor' means using harassment, intimidation, and bullying to make them convert.
The real fascism in America today is Christo-fascism. Under the guise of claiming 'persecution', fundy Christians have demanded that abortion doctors/providers/patients be murdered in the name of 'saving babies', that homosexuals be placed in internment camps to forcibly convert to the fundies' narrow-minded view or face execution, and that Bible preaching be forced upon schoolchildren. Not to mention that scientifically-proven evolution must be replaced with the warped fundy propaganda of 'creationism' or 'intelligent design', and their insistence that woman be subservient to men. It is the fundy Christians who need to be stopped. The so-called 'Abiding Truth' Ministry is full of a lot of fundy hot wind.
Yeah, Nazi's are gay. OK some were, but the politics don't fit a gay lifestyle in any way.
And the Nazi's rounded up gays and gave them the Jew experience. I mean COME ON, This book is connecting two unrelated things. Do they think it's deep and incredibly thoughtful to say ridiculous things now?
I think I think so
Yeah, Nazi's are gay. OK some were, but the politics don't fit a gay lifestyle in any way.
And the Nazi's rounded up gays and gave them the Jew experience. I mean COME ON, This book is connecting two unrelated things. Do they think it's deep and incredibly thoughtful to say ridiculous things now?
I think I think so
"Sexual deviancy has destroyed numerous nations before us."
In 1920's Weimar (post-WW1, but pre-nazi) Germany became very socially and sexually "liberal" with cabaret shows and other "objectionable" entertainment. Older people, hard-line Christians and other conservatives of the time felt that such "immoral behaviour" was destroying Germany (It was more so likely that these groups didn't like the change because they wanted Germany to go back to the way it was before WW1 when it was militaristic, ambitious, conservative and autocratic).
It was these people who voted for the Nazi party.
So you know what really destroys numerous nations? Hard-line Conservatism.
So much for the accuracy of the work referred to. Gays were victims as much as other groups, and died in hundreds of thousands in the concentration camps.
It wasn't gays that brought German to utter ruin. It was the homophobic regime that ruled there from 1933 to 1945.
Yeah, y'know, I can see where you're coming from on the whole gays-opposing-abortion thing, cause I mean, gay people are always going around producing illegitimate offspring!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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