There were no social welfare programs in ancient times, nor should there be today, which are Communist in nature. The churches are supposed to care for the poor and needy, not the government. When the people look to the government in idolatry to provide for them instead of trusting God, the government becomes their God. Social programs always fail, bankrupting governments, which is why the U.S. government has been bankrupt and operating under emergency powers since the 1930's. Our nation's debt just keeps going higher-and-higher into the stratosphere.
Remember that every penny you own is God's money. When you give to God, you are letting go of what is already His. God gave you everything that you have in life.
Ever sentence in this is demonstrably incorrect.
I thought all the churches in Guam had disinvited Dave, and there were only a couple in mainland US he liked? I reckon he's setting his readers up to donate to him as a 'church.'
Oh, BTW, Taylor Swift was named one of the top 5 most charitable celebrities of 2016.
I disagree. So strongly in fact that I`m glad your particular sick servilistic attitude will not spread far outside the crapper on which you thought up this nasty little text, during brief pauses between angry fapping to Taylor Swift and stroking yourself to the idea of stronger and more assertive, empathic members of your species burning in someones torture chamber, no doubt.
"Remember that every penny you own is God's money."
What if I counterfeited money? Would that still be gods money, or would it be mine?
Should we tell him about how the Emperors provided free wheat to the population of Rome (by the praefectus annonae )? How, in the Middle Age, kings and lords gave money to churches or founded abbeys so that the population might be taught, feed and healed? How sultans created waqf with their zakat to fund schools and hospitals? And how Otto von Bismark, who wasn't what we could call a Commie, to say the least, created a welfare state in Germany?
Governments have always tried to care for the poorer sections of the population, if only to keep them happy.
Nice try, Short Eyes. Your beloved church is the greediest, most self important, entitled organization to have ever existed in the entire history of humanity. There is absolutely no way it could ever be trusted to "do the right thing", which is why the government has to step in at all. Your church is also why some people need help in the first place, after they cough up their meager savings or retirement to be "saved" from the scary bogeymen that the church created in the first place. Your church is a fucking crock. Nothing but a massive scam, & I have no sympathy anymore for the idiots that keep it afloat.
There is just too much poverty for the churches to cope with it all. This was proven in Victorian England and in Tsarist Russia.
As for the national debt, it was under God's chosen one Ronald Reagan that it really started to go sky high.
Oh Davey, that's what governments are FOR. Do you drive on roads the government built? Do you benefit from wars that the government has fought? Or would you rather be personally responsible for maintaining the road outside your own house, and for the defense of your own home against foreign powers?
"There were no social welfare programs in ancient times..."
History fail. Oh wait, it's Davey. EVERYTHING FAIL!
"Remember that every penny you own is God's money."
"Render unto Caesar...."
In the old testament, when farmers went to gather their food, any food they failed to get the first time through, they had to leave. Then, others would be allowed to go through the field to get food. This was mentioned by many Christians as an example of God ordering his people to keep the poor in mind. This was written into Jewish law.
Of course, the reason you want the church to be the sole provider to the poor is so you can deny the filthy blacks and immigrants the care they desperately need, and so the poor would support the church. Instead, some places have made it hard for the few generous churches to help the poor. And I know you'd love those laws.
Kiddy-diddler pays taxes to the government of Guam? If not, he should be. He uses the common infrastructure there without whining about how road maintenance and other government concerns - remember, government exists to serve people, not the other way 'round - are actually "communist" plots to control the byways.
And how much charity does the "pastor"provide those in need? My bet is NONE, and his excuse will be that it has been given to government so he no longer needs to play an individual part until the government steps which point we're supposed to believe that he and his ilk will leap into the gap and help others.
Prosperity preachers take money; they, like the pimps they are, don't give money. They instead offer hollow promises that their god is then supposed to honour.
He's a fucking idiot - and, as Christian Anon points out, he's also a fucking liar who ignores the OT rules that permit individual poor people to step onto the land of, and carry away some of the crops of, much wealthier landowners. (Most of the Book of Ruth is about this very subject. Perhaps he habitually skips that book because it's named after a woman...but that does not explain his ignoring Levitical law such as Lev. 23:22 among literally dozens of other examples. )
The churches are supposed to care for the poor and needy, not the government.
Problem here Dave is a lot of churches either won't do it, or they give conditions such as attending their church in order to receive any help at all.
Social programs always fail, bankrupting governments, which is why the U.S. government has been bankrupt and operating under emergency powers since the 1930's. Our nation's debt just keeps going higher-and-higher into the stratosphere.
That generally happens when Republicans are in control and are using the government to line their own pockets.
"Remember that every penny you own is God's money"
So every time you buy anything for yourself, you're stealing from God?
Um, in the Bible the tribe of Levi had no land, so it was supported by two sets of tithes, not counting the value of sacrifices made at the Temple which were eaten by the kohanim on duty. Ancient Jewish law also provided for cases of poverty through institutions such as levirate marriage. Perhaps you should preach a little less and study a little more.
The US government was in debt long before 1930; indeed, it borrowed money to pay for the Revolutionary War, which kind of set the tone. Since then it's gone up, it's gone down, it's changed forms, but there's always been some government debt.
@Mister Spak:
What if I counterfeited money? Would that still be gods money, or would it be mine?
Technically it wouldn't be money. In a fiat or specie-backed currency, what makes money money isn't its physical attributes but the fact that the government (or another entity) promises that it is worth something, or that it represents a stored good that is worth something, respectively. Since it didn't make any such promise about your counterfeits, they don't have any value. With a pure specie currency, where transactions are directly carried out with gold or salt or whatever, the only way to counterfeit would be to use a stand-in - brass for gold, say - which is obviously not recognized as money, or as as much money as you're claiming.
In either case I think God would let you keep it, though, so there's that.
DJS: "The churches are supposed to care for the poor and needy, not the government."
Churches are perfectly free to help the poor and needy right now. No one is stopping them from solving hunger, poverty and homelessness. No knock on churches: they may be contributing to the effort but haven't exactly resolved the problem, even with the government chipping in. Maybe churches are waiting for government to back away entirely before stepping up the effort and finally getting it done.
Maybe churches are waiting for government to back away entirely before stepping up the effort and finally getting it done.
@Don: interesting. I wish that there were a parallel reality where we could see that experiment running its course.
Since that has literally never happened before in any era of history, my prediction is that it wouldn't happen now, either. I'd like to think that would shut DJS up, but most likely it wouldn't bother him.
It's not a bug. It's a feature.
Davey's just afraid that if the government takes care of the poor, the poor won't be flocking to the churches for help and the churches won't be able to give a sermon before the soup.
And if charity were enough to take care of the problem of poverty, there would be no need for government assistance programs. But it seems too many churches are more interested in taking in money than handing it out.
Remember, this has shown up a lot, the "the churches should do this" is only a plea for every cent of tax dollars commited to social programs should be given to the churches to utilize. They've been pushing this for years with many predominate Republicans behind them. Problem is: CHURCHES ALWAYS KEEP NEARLY ALL MONEY THEY'RE GIVEN.
Add that to the very real fact that if just the wealthy churches and mega-churches payed land taxes alone the amount available would be through the proverbial roof.
How many social cuts do you think Kentucky's in for now that they've backed Hams Ark Encounter? GIVE YA A CLUE, THEY STARTED CUTTING BEFORE HE OPENED THAT CIRCUS.
Oh, but it's gonna bring in money and they'll repay,,, When has that EVER happened with religious organizations? Let's put it this way, the agreement had clauses in it that insure AIG will never be responsible for any payback or state bond responsibilities. Why are there such clauses? Religion never pays its way, no wonder you're Trump fans.
Just pay the fucking alimony & child support, you subhuman.
We know what you're saying with these thinly-veiled 'attacks', short of you dressing up as Batman and protesting on, say, the roof of the court in Guam that convicted you of the reason why your ex. divorced you, and fortunately ensured you'll never be able to do the same to her daughter.
...oh, and why couldn't God create his own money?!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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