joe mama #racist
Well science determines our species. Science/genetics/biology separates us from gorillas. Science/genetics/biology/separates men from women. Science/genetics/biology separates people of totally different age. And science/genetics/biology separates different racial/ethnic/genetic groups. We DO and SHOULD use science to determine many parts of our identity. It would be very illogical/irrational to not do so. Age, race, sex, etc. This is a practical reality. You are missing my entire point... sigh...
NA tribes do not determine who is NA and who is not. They determine who is Cherokee, Lakota, Navajo, etc, not NA. They are not one in the same. They determine who is a part of them, culturally, as you have mentioned. It is subjective. My opinion on who is NA is subjective as well, however it has more basis on fact/science/genetics than not.
What you are practically advocating for is the eventual extinction of actual NA people. Kill the Indian save the man was practiced in all the Americas. It was to kill their culture little by little so that they may assimilate into European culture. The plan was to eventually have them diluted to the point of extinction. The whites even liked 1/2 and 1/4 NA, like you, more as they weren't 'less'. They gave the food rations on reservations to those who weren't overwhelmingly NA. Those with more European were put in charge of the actual NA. You are in favor of accepting whites/blacks/nonNA as NA. You are in favor of their extinction as a PEOPLE. And NA are a people not a culture.
So as long as they're beating drums and dressing up as the NA in the 1800s, they'll still be around, is that correct? You didn't answer the questions in my first response. When NA are all eventually 1/4 do you think that NA will still be around? When they no longer suffer from diabetes at a higher rate than other groups will they still be NA? When the men are balding at 28, will they still be NA? When they no longer have any or most of the facial structures, will they still be NA? When they're all blonde haired or nappy haired will they still be NA? You should read about genetics more. You'll see that different genetic groups differ significantly from each other. Do you think black people are white? Why do you have a different standard for NA? Why are they the only racial/genetic group that has to be held to a standard of culture? What makes them so special? Why when talking about blacks, whites, Asians, and even middle easterners do we mention them by their genetic makeup but you want us to mention NA by their 'culture affiliation'? I find it all so strange, bewildering, mind boggling, humorous at times, but mostly sad.
I understand 100% what you're trying to say but... it's not practical. It almost delusional. I'm not trying to be mean just straight forward and direct as possible.