I can tell science what exists and give them a helping hand to find it.
There is an invisible, indestructible material, almost undetectable, yet capable of building up into dense clouds and erupting in such a way that atoms, planets, stars and galaxies form in the twinkling of an eye and in exactly the same way, shape and form observed by science today. It is God's 'living fountains of waters' and yields the root science behind everything.
When we have finished exploring this wonderful, life supporting energy, we will begin to understand the accuracy of Biblical teaching, but, in the mean time, it is wise to accept Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as our leader in all universal matters, because he is unquestionably, the way, the truth and the life...and from his words a new heaven and a new Earth will come into being...for those who have shown righteous faith.
So if he is "the way, the truth, and the life", how come there was so much death in the OT? If I was one of the many that were butchered in the name of god, I might have some issue with calling him "the life". Killing a whole town if there is one person that worships another god? Stoning unruly children? Killing people that work on the sabbath? And before you try the "that was the old law and doesn't apply", what about your precious 10 commandments you want monuments to everywhere? They are in the OT too.
How come you can't tell science what exists for the cure for cancer, AIDS, or any of the other horrible diseases? What about all of the children born with birth defects? How come the buybull can't be consulted for a solution for some acceptable solution for the violence going on in the world? If you say this is all the work of the devil, who created him? Who created evil? Why doesn't this "omnipotent" god do anything about it?
Okay. Write a detailed paper about these fountains, showing a repeatable, testable process for measuring them and outlining how your hypothesis could be falsified, and explaining what the predictive nature of this actually holds in light of everything we currently know about physics. Then get it published in a peer reviewed journal and bask in the glory of it all.
By the way, you might want to lose the "indestructible" part. All matter can, at least at a minimum, be broken down to something smaller. And the universe itself will eventually come to an end.
"There is an invisible, indestructible material, almost undetectable, yet capable of building up into dense clouds and erupting in such a way that atoms, planets, stars and galaxies form in the twinkling of an eye"
It has been proven a century ago that the ether doesn't exist. Relativity and quantum mechanics explains the propagation of light.
So let me get this straight indestructible, undetectable magical fountains of water are how god created the universe.
Fountains... of water. Water, as in the molecule that contains 2 atoms of hydrogen, and 1 oxygen atom. So what, did he create the fountains of magic water with even more magical fountains of water? Then how did he create those?
This isn't even close to being close to not being drug fueled.
"There is an invisible, indestructible material, almost undetectable, yet capable of building up into dense clouds and erupting in such a way that atoms, planets, stars and galaxies form in the twinkling of an eye and in exactly the same way, shape and form observed by science today. It is God's 'living fountains of waters' and yields the root science behind everything."
Citations needed.
No, you can't, as science isn't an entity.
So, where is the evidence for this "wonderful" energy? Can you provide some of it for scientists to test and verify?
Why`and how is Jesus the way, the truth and the life?
See, it wasn't unquestionably at all.
Look, I love a good protoscience-based fantasy world as much as the next geek (or the previous geek, given that the Spelljammer reference has already been made), but fun as it may be to extrapolate magical systems from how people used to think physics worked, there's a big difference between creative worldbuilding and studying the mechanics of reality.
Well, provide actual physical evidence of this "material," and we'll get right on that. Plus, you'll get a Nobel Prize!
What do you mean, we just have to take your word for it?
"There is an invisible, indestructible material, almost undetectable, yet capable of building up into dense clouds and erupting in such a way that atoms, planets, stars and galaxies form in the twinkling of an eye and in exactly the same way, shape and form observed by science today. It is God's 'living fountains of waters' and yields the root science behind everything.
When we have finished exploring this wonderful, life supporting energy, we will begin to understand the accuracy of Biblical teaching, but, in the mean time, it is wise to accept Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as our leader in all universal matters, because he is unquestionably, the way, the truth and the life...and from his words a new heaven and a new Earth will come into being...for those who have shown righteous faith."
LHC. Higgs-Boson.
Not many gaps left...! >:D
"There is an invisible, indestructible material, almost undetectable, yet capable of building up into dense clouds and erupting in such a way that atoms, planets, stars and galaxies form in the twinkling of an eye and in exactly the same way, shape and form observed by science today. It is God's 'living fountains of waters' and yields the root science behind everything."
...which is easily controlled by the NTIs.
NEXT! [/"The Abyss"]
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