In the years 2000 through 2004, before becoming a United States Senator and being in the public spotlight, Obama gave 1% of his earnings to charity even though he made $250,000 per year. Since becoming a national figure, that amount has jumped to 6%. Obama's small donations are consistent with atheism and were perhaps influenced by his nonbelieving mother. According to a study by the Barna Group, atheists give less per capita in donations than religious Americans.
According to a study by the Barna Group....
Ohh, well that's nice. Let's go check the validity of that source. Let's have a look at their website:
We seek to use our strengths in partnership with Christian ministries and individuals to be a catalyst in moral and spiritual transformation in the United States.
Clearly, an honest and unbiased source...
because I am to lazy, and to fat to research again, or even somehow write it again, I'll just paste my text I used to debunk conservapedia in a video, on that godinfected youtube
What about an objective survey, like gallup
74 to 77% is insignificent. 48 against 60 on the other hand is not. Once again I have shown your sources might be incorrect.
But there are some evidence to support you none the less
But as we know there is the problem, that this uses the term seldom churchgoers.
And we know for a fact, there is not many charity orginastions, who isn't somehow inflicted with religious views.
And if we look at the US development assistance of the GDP, it is only point 15%, where secular countries like Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Holland give approx 1%.
And just because I like being a dick, my video is:
the article is so awesome. Some of their sources are literally "Obama did X". No reference, no nothing.
Another part is these three.
1 - Obama is pandering by wearing a flag-pin.
2 - Obama is pandering by not wearing a flag-pin.
3 - Obama is pandering by wearing a flag-pin.
I shit you not. Read and laugh.
According to a study by the Barna Group, atheists give less per capita in donations than religious Americans.
That's not surprising. A good percentage of charitable giving is done to churches, and atheists don't contribute to churches.
The Barna Group sounds more like the Blarney Group, i.e., a bunch of liars who will say anything to promote their agenda because they know the beneficiaries of their evil work are too fucking gullible to question anything they assert.
It never occurs to a fundie to wonder how this so-called study found out which donors are atheists. I don't recall any organization I've supported asking me about my religious affiliation or lack thereof. And I know there is nothing like the "United Atheist Fund" or anything similar that identifies this characteristic.
...atheists give less per capita in donations than religious Americans.
Even if we accept this at face value (though [citation needed]), I wonder what you get if you remove Americans' donations to churches, synagogues, mosques, faith-based charities, etc. from the calculation.
So he's bad because he doesn't donate as much as you think he should? Seriously? 1% of $250,000 is $2500. That's pretty good if you ask me, and now he's donating even more. Did you donate $2500 this year?
First, you called Obama a Muslim because he went to a madrassa as a child.
Now, you're calling him an atheist based on how much he donates to charity .
There's just no dealing with you people.
@ FSTDT: For those of you who may be interested, here's the "study" by the Barna Group:
Basically, it's a telephone survey of 1006 people across the US.
From the Barna Group website ( ):
What is The Barna Group, Ltd.?
...We seek to use our strengths in partnership with Christian ministries and individuals to be a catalyst in moral and spiritual transformation in the United States. We accomplish these outcomes by providing vision, information, strategy, evaluation and resources.
Maybe they should grade on a curve, you know, see how much xtians give compared to Bill Gates. If you can't match Gates, you shouldn't speak on this topic in this manner.
I'm sorry if I don't give enough money for your taste. I don't exactly have a lot of spare cash laying around.
So my question, everyone on conservapedia: how many hours have you volunteered recently (outside of all church functions)? Not to brag, just to point out that money isn't everything: I've given about 2400 hours at one organization over the last 7.5 years and miscellaneous smaller amounts on short-term projects for other places (in addition to church stuff for more than half of that period, and being atheist the whole time [long story]). There are tons of places that need money, sure, but free labor goes a long way too (and arguably 'hurts' more).
Obama gave 1% of his earnings to charity
Well if he was giving less than 2.5% , that means he couldn't possibly be a closet Muslim.
Conservapedia has lost the game!
I do taxes. I have done taxes for a number of people whose donations lead me to believe that they are extremely conservative Protestants. (Pro-life causes, pro-"family" causes, local conservative churches, etc.)
I have not yet done a single return for one of those individuals who has given 10% of their income to charity. The most I've ever seen was around 6%. The average for those people is maybe 2-3%. And that's of those people who donate at all, and including payments made to churches.
Darling McCain did give a much higher percentage--but only if you remember that because he and his wife were filing separately, he declared only his personal income but a full half of donations made in both their names, and she's the one with all the money.
Andy Schlafly is a cunt.
He accuses everyone else of pushing an agenda when he does the exact same thing he accuses them of doing on his piece of shit website.
He responds to Wikipedia, a site that at least attempts to be neutral and bias-free, with a site that doesn't even try.
He and his mom are a fucking disgrace to America.
...and Bush gave $____,________.__ ?
I'm sorry, that was how much? Is that a big fat goose egg?
And he's a <cough> christian. Hmm.
Only 1%? Then that disproves the idea that he's a Muslim. A Muslim would have given 2.5% (ref. zakat).
> Obama's small donations are consistent with atheism
I earn *considerably* less than Obama has at any time in his professional career, yet I still give a higher proportion to charity. And I don't say that to denigrate Obama but simply to demonstrate how unfounded and senseless your argument is.
(Doctor Fishcake)
"Conservapedia has lost the game!"
Oh, great . Now I've lost as well.
*reaches over and bitch-smacks Doctor Fishcake*
Thanks a LOT , Doc!
You know money isn't everything. If don't have a lot of money, you can always donate you time. Being a mentor to a child, volunteer at a soup kitchen or food pantry.
I run a secular food pantry and most of my volunteers are not church related, but some of the local churches approached me about helping out. Mostly main stream religions I have one Episcopal team, one Lutheran, one Catholic team and one Jewish team, not one fundamentalist team among them.
Even if we do some fund raising in the community, the big evangelical churches never ever support us. Ask your Barna Group what they have to say about that.
According to a study by the Barna Group, atheists give less per capita in donations than religious Americans.
I tell you what, I'll grant them that... but for a very good reason.
Atheists may give less per capita, but a higher proportion of people give.
In other words (for an example) you'll find 1 in 10 Christians donating to charity. (and tithing doesn't fucking count... if you're pressured into donating, it's not a fucking donation at all)
Meanwhile, you'll find 2 in 10 Atheists donating...
Frankly, I find Christians as a whole to be rather uncharitable. And only a complete fucking arse would take charitable donations and claim it makes them an Atheist. (or a bad person, which ASShfly is trying to do)
This week Obama is...
A. an atheist
B. a christian
C. a muslim
D. the anti-christ
Here's possible reasons that such a survey could turn up said results (note: may be a combination of reasons).
There are two ways a study like this would be conducted; either
- A: Ask people anonymously what their religious affiliation is and how much they donate to charity, a bad method as most people would not know the exact figure if the survey was a phone or in-person survey or would not bother to respond unless the amount was actually worth stating in a written or internet survey.
- B: They cross referenced census records on religious affiliations and tax records on charitable donations. Which would return questionable results as the pressured donations to one's church and the tax benefits of charitable donation would cloud how "charitable" the persons included in stats really are.
2,500 dollars a year to charity from one man is not a "small" donation; it's way more than they'd dare to ask of the average citizen. It may not be as great a fraction of his income as the average Christian, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's less than what they gave. That's the nice thing about having multi-hundred thousand dollar incomes - you can actually afford to be generous and still have enough left over to live well. (Although surplus extraction theory suggests, I think I'm right in saying, that if anyone being paid ten times the salary of many others isn't also doing ten times the work, they must actually be partially responsible for both overpricing and underpayment and hence poverty and the need for charity for others somewhere in the same market in the first place)
I suppose you could make the argument that it doesn't count as generosity if, even if you give way more than would be asked of you, it's such a small fraction of your total income that you feel no loss, but from the point of view of the person who's receiving the charity, which is actually what matters, who the hell cares about the motives of the donor as long as he gives what you need?
Oh, and since when were Christians with atheist parents considered atheists for the purposes of surveys?
"According to a study by the Barna Group, atheists give less per capita in donations than religious Americans. "
The Barna group is run by fundies, so we should give its pronouncements all the credibility it deserves.
Speaking as an atheist who donates to charity, gives blood, and works with habitat for humanity: fuck you, you arrogant prick.
6% of $250,000 is $15,000. How much do you donate? Also Bill Gates is an atheist and he has just stepped down as CEO of Microsoft in order to devote ALL of his time to his charity.
Slander disguised as facts is still slander.
The amount of cash someone gives is not necessarily a true indication of how charitable they are. I give relatively few monetary donations each year - certainly not 6% of my income - but I do donate a lot of my time to do voluntary work.
I guess this is just something else the fundies use to make themselves feel superior, eh, sad little muppets that they are.
Donating a little is still donating. At least he's giving a good amount his money to charity, compared to conservative asshats who hoard it while themselves get richer.
But when conservatists do decide to give away money, they don't give it to charities. Noo, they dump it into useless shit that solves nothing or makes problems worse (read: GEORGE W BUSH).
Donations to charity are tax exempt Over There? Are people giving to reduce their own taxes or to help your fellow man? Maybe a bit of both, but which is the strongest motivator?
All the money I've put in collection tins and paid to the Red Cross, Amnesty and other such societies has been taxed already.
I can't give blood (my medicine taints it), but I'm entered into the donation register (i.e. I want my organs to be used to save others when I stop using them). How many fundies have done that?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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