Corbyn is a Shite Marxist #conspiracy
[About 9/11]
all Jewish employees got secret stay at home messages that day from Israeli owned Comserve
A Mossad attack and bank robbery & WTC owner Silverstein insursnce fraud all at the same time..Typical Jews
Purely to destroy all FBI files on Wall St fraud Enron fraud ..put-options fraud.. & Liebor fraud held in WTC offices
Jews cleaning house of their dirty economic tricks. make the Muslim the patsy...(with indestructible passports )
What ever happened to the indestructible huge Titanium Jet engine parts..(main fan-blade disc..about 1inch thick .2foot diameter )...never found..
no undercarriage tail fins black box's on all 4 planes (unheard of)...
all plane engines should have snapped off and fell onto the streets below.
How does low tensile strength Duralumin plane body parts ..cut through High Tensile Steel girders with a melting point of near 4,000 degrees F...
when plane fuel..computers chairs desks fitting only burn at 1000 degrees
How do you fit a 100 foot wide plane into a 6foot diameter cruise missile hole in the Pentagon's building....
and break no windows at the scene of the rigged explosion. A direct hit on the offices concerned with fraud investigations....the missing Trillions of Dollars Donald Rumsfeld referred to