
Silent Witness aka kingjameswriter1965 #fundie plus.google.com

Just so you know, God Almighty isn't dead or on vacation or turning a blind eye to all that's going on. I see so much junk about New Age and everybody has to unite and get along. No, God commands us to be SEPARATE!! I HATE and DETEST how wishy washy and totally fruitless these cults are. Do you honestly think God isn't writing everything down? Are you so ignorant and blinded by Satan that you assume you can keep living your life without being held accountable by God in the end? If so, the Bible calls you a FOOL.

My son was watching that retarded Harry Pooper series all this week. With him being an adult, I can no longer TELL him what to do, but I CAN tell him it's WRONG. it makes me ANGRY that MY SON is a victim of Satan's lies and propaganda. Him and just about every other 20-something these days. When did we stop being parents and start being "buddies" to our kids? This has all been carefully planned by the powers that be.

If I were you, I would do the exact opposite of what this sinful world is pushing. REPENT, and ACKNOWLEDGE that you are a filthy sinner in God's eyes. BELIEVE that Jesus Christ came to die in YOUR PLACE, and shed His precious blood for you so you wouldn't have to go to Hell. RECEIVE God's love gift of eternal life. Then you will be born again and go to Heaven when you die.

Nothing else matters but what you do with Jesus, friend. I strongly suggest you believe on Him for salvation. If not, you WILL end up in the Lake of Fire, forever.

Silent Witness aka kingjameswriter1965 #fundie plus.google.com

Sitting in the vet's office with my cat who's trying to break out of the carrier, listening to some ditzy woman talking about people building houses for their pets because they don't want children. In the meantime, the sewer TV is blasting filth as usual. Makes me think of how late it is and how imminent Jesus' coming is.

This world is disgusting and self-oriented. Every time I go out I see how decadent it's all getting. It's unavoidable and vexing. However I should rejoice, because as a Christian I know persecution is my lot and I must face it. After all, look at what Jesus endured for me.

Wow. I asked the women at the desk to please turn off that awful TV, and even though they only changed the channel to another filthy show (Whoopi Lesbo Goldberg), a least they apologized.

Come Lord Jesus.

Silent Witness aka kingjameswriter1965 #fundie plus.google.com

[Re. The Franklin Institute]


Silent Witness aka kingjameswriter1965 #fundie plus.google.com

I just noticed that my daughter blocked me on Facebook, because I made a stand against the sodomite pride flag.

The rainbow in reality belongs to God Almighty, meaning He will never again smite the earth with a worldwide flood. The Bible says the earth is now being kept in store for judgment with fire, and Jesus Christ will create (not remodel) a new heaven and a new earth.

The backgrounds for posts on Facebook are seedy and ungodly, in my humble opinion. A few of them resemble the gay flag of the sodomite rainbow. I posted about this once and got blocked for it. Well good! Glory to God! Praise the Lord that I took a stand for Jesus!!

As a born again believer who loves God's Word, I will defend the truth and expose all kinds of sinful depravity and filth. It saddens me that my only daughter follows this foul, disgusting abomination that is so highly praised and even coveted after today. She will doubtless give an account at the judgment along with all other Christ-rejecters.

Homosexuality is a filthy SIN, just like stealing, lying, witchcraft, rebelliousness, etc. All sin is equally abominable in the eyes of a holy God, and He will judge all sin. But God is love as well as just, so He sent His only begotten Son to die in your place so you can go to Heaven. Believe on Jesus Christ and be saved.

Zaragoza ???Yue ??? ???? #conspiracy plus.google.com

US General says: You killed the only real general you had
Bonifacio is a Mason and the Supremo of the military society. Yet Assassinated. by no one but Aguinaldo.
General Luna had the same faith. Let us all agree that Kawit Brigade and their Aguinaldo killed both of the most patriotic leaders at that time. History says Cavite is the province of traitors. Mabini is surely bothered by the fact that he can't trust anyone including the first president himself.

Filipinos would rather kill fellow Filipino than killing an enemy in the name of power and greed. It's depressing asf.
A proven fact.

Robert Comeau #fundie plus.google.com

My Testimony :)

I grew up my whole life being a Jehovah Witness. I'm not going to say anything bad about them because it's not necessary I never got baptized there, although, i was studying since i was six to someday get baptized. Studying with them helped me realize within myself that i love God. I learned so much about him. I learned about what he liked and what he didn't like. I learned about his characteristics. He is loving, fair, powerful, and knowledgeable about everything that we are. I was amazed with him. Growing up i always had him in my heart. I just didn't know how to fully surrender to him. I was confused about how i should serve God. I was always taught to pray to him and talk to him, but how else could i really show him how much he meant to me? I found myself getting further and further away from him because to me, it became work. It became work to try to have this relationship with him other than it being easy to just love him. I felt like i had to try to walk a perfect life for me to be able to have any relationship with him. Well as perfect as i could. When i would fall short here and there, i would become ashamed and i didn't even want to pray to him. I felt like he wouldn't listen to me because i went against his word. Being in the Jehovah Witness organization was very difficult. I never felt his spirit there. I actually came to the point where i didn't even know it was possible to feel his spirit. I would deny anything like that. I was taught that if you felt a spirit of any kind it sure wasn't God. I would try to go weekly, but i would always end up being inconsistent not just with attendance but with my overall relationship with him. I would try my hardest to be into it for a couple of weeks, then i would stop going. One day, i had an opportunity to attend a Christian church called Revolution Church. This was a youth church. It was youth night and for the first time I opened myself fully to God. I wanted to feel him so bad. I was going through a hard time at the moment where, i didn't even know if God was there with me or if he was going to get me through this struggle. When i went to church i asked him to show me who he is. I wanted to feel his his spirit around me. That night was the first night i said to myself that God, is incredible. God loves me. I felt his presence for the first time. It was unbelieveable. So from then on i knew that where i had to be was there. In the Christian congregation. I finally was showed the truth not by a person but by God himself. I got baptised on Easter day of 2013. I will never forget how amazing it felt. I then knew that if i did fall short i could go to him and repent. I shouldn't have to feel ashamed for being human. He loved me no matter what. He loves all of us. I am proud to be a Christian and i don't have a problem telling that to anybody. I still have some things to get through in my life. But i am counting on God to help me get through everything. I have no doubts in him. Keep praying to him and remember that he loves you.<3 he can create miracles. With him anything is possible. God is Victorious.
c: God Bless -Itzee

Silent Witness aka kingjameswriter1965 #fundie plus.google.com

So the world's science idol Stephen Hawking is dead. Sad to say, all the brains, scientific ideals and his outright atheism got him no closer to Heaven than six feet under. He's burning in Hell right now if he never accepted Christ. What a wasted life, deceiving and being deceived.

God Almighty will not be mocked. He sent His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to die on the cross and take away your sins. Sadly Mr. Hawking was a God-hater, but now he wishes he could have one drop of water to cool his tongue. I'm certain that he believes in Jesus now, but alas, it's too late for him!!

Don't waste your life denying Jesus. He loved you enough to shed His precious blood for you. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

ItsJESUS orHELL #fundie plus.google.com

PLEASE READ THIS! Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins! Jesus came to save us from HELL! If you reject Jesus and stay in your sins, YOU WILL BURN IN HELL! If you are brokenhearted, turn to Jesus! Turn from your sins! Masturbation, porn, cursing, premarital sex, partying, smoking, drunkenness, bisexuality/homosexuality, pride, idolatry, and more, WILL DRAG YOU TO HELL! You must be born again! This is spiritual rebirth! Ask Jesus to give you the Holy Spirit! The pleasure of sin is temporary! Hell is forever! WATCH: https://youtu.be/VaRezbUWYRw Catholicism, Islam, Atheism, Agnosticism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness doctrine, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and more are false! DON'T BE A FAKE CHRISTIAN!

Lou Robey #fundie plus.google.com

[On a photo of the Pearl Harbor attack]

["Japan and Germany both thought America lost its will to get involved in a war after the first one like now a divided nation"]

But the communists hadn't taken over the democrat party yet.
We'll never get rid of it now because king Hussein had 8 years to influence an entire generation of children like his mentor saul Lewinsky said in his book rules for radicals (dedicated to satan no less)
Also, the book was a plagiarized copy of Russian communists Lenin-
Who said " never waste a disaster, and give me 1 generation of children and he'll change the country forever"-
Clinton was also a student of Saul Lewinsky...... connect the dots.

Corbyn is a Shite Marxist #conspiracy plus.google.com

[About 9/11]

all Jewish employees got secret stay at home messages that day from Israeli owned Comserve
A Mossad attack and bank robbery & WTC owner Silverstein insursnce fraud all at the same time..Typical Jews

Purely to destroy all FBI files on Wall St fraud Enron fraud ..put-options fraud.. & Liebor fraud held in WTC offices
Jews cleaning house of their dirty economic tricks. make the Muslim the patsy...(with indestructible passports )

What ever happened to the indestructible huge Titanium Jet engine parts..(main fan-blade disc..about 1inch thick .2foot diameter )...never found..



no undercarriage found..no tail fins ..no wings....no wheels..no black box's on all 4 planes (unheard of)...
all plane engines should have snapped off and fell onto the streets below.

How does low tensile strength Duralumin plane body parts ..cut through High Tensile Steel girders with a melting point of near 4,000 degrees F...
when plane fuel..computers chairs desks paper..office fitting only burn at 1000 degrees

How do you fit a 100 foot wide plane into a 6foot diameter cruise missile hole in the Pentagon's building....
and break no windows at the scene of the rigged explosion. A direct hit on the offices concerned with fraud investigations....the missing Trillions of Dollars Donald Rumsfeld referred to

william isn't funny #sexist plus.google.com

majority of women: never pull their own weight in the workforce
majority of women: never act respectfully in arguments or in general because of entitlement
majority of women: never want to earn things, always believe they should just get something for free because they are a woman.
majority of women: never put effort into a relationship, the man is just for them to leech attention and money off of him while fucking other men, but getting mad at him for so much as looking at another female.
majority of women: never does anything unselfish, will demand to have all children in total custody in any case of divorce, makes decisions for her children, will make sure they never read anything from their father ever again.
majority of women: never makes a proper argument, especially while online. usually just waits for her league of beta numales and/or other whiny rich white girls to encapsulate her while putting out some bullshit with no supporting facts, or if there are, they're either false data or the facts are heavily skewed and misrepresented on purpose.
majority of women: overall the most selfish and complicated creatures on the face of earth
majority of women: and this is why men are opressing me and why you need to give me that for free. because im a woman and I deserve everything.

Remember to grow up, get married to a woman without actually evaluating if it's worth it, then enjoy your human leech, goy!

PANZER #fundie plus.google.com

[A post about Assigned Male, an admittedly awful comic about trans people. All emphasis from original.]

Episode 1 - Assigned Male / Stephie


Okay, so, you're here reading this very post, so I can only assume you've heard about the internet monstrosity we refer to as "Assigned Male", a web comic about an 11 year old (the age will come up again later) Trans-Girl who was born a male named Stephie, presumably after the author that looks similar to Bridget from the movie Trolls. (photo below.)

Now, back to the issue at hand. Most of the "Assigned Male" comics have been about shaming the "cis" community. First of all, let's backtrack. The author portrays "cis" people as evil bigots in almost every issue of the series. FIRST OFF, "cis" shouldn't be a classification at all. Perhaps, better idea, "cis" should be swapped for another word; "sane", something Stephie clearly is not.

Now, I have placed an instance of "Assigned Male" below. Look familiar to you? It's literally propaganda. Propaganda is made with a few methods: one being demonizing your enemy. Now, find an Assigned Male comic with a "cis" character that isn't made to look like a bad person? Hard, isn't it?

Hitler's propaganda in WW2 featured Jewish people with abnormally long noses and curly hair. Why? To make the enemy look evil and that they shouldn't be trusted. That gained the trust of the German people, and thus, the Holocaust happened with people supporting it.

The shot below features a Grandpa saying that he wants his Grandson/Granddaughter to grow up and be strong like their father.
Where exactly is the cissexist hate there, Stephie? A loving Grandfather wants his Grandchild to grow up and be big and strong. That can be carried out for either sex, so that basically just made Stephie look like a fucking retard. But wait, there's more!

This next instance of "Assigned Male" portrays a transgender eleven year old proclaiming that nobody asked him (fuck you, Stephie, I'm calling you by what you were assigned: a male) what he was. Now, first off, lemme allow you to digest the comic below. First off, Stephie, nobody is going to come up and FUCKING ASK YOU what you identify as. That isn't a normal thing to ask in a conversation. Speaking of abnormal things to say in a conversation; the dialogue in Assigned Male is ATROCIOUS, not only in quality but how it portrays pre-teens. Stephie, the author, is acting as if these pre-teens have had a full four years at both Harvard and MIT. NO FUCKING PRE-TEEN SPEAKS LIKE THIS.

Oh, did you think it was over there? Examine this next comic. Did you spot the error? I already have.
Stephie, I have a question:


No, seriously. Has our friend Stephie been working with fucking Mutants? Considering he looks like one, probably. Look, I don't mean to Labelle all Trans people here; but these comics are just making you look fucking stupid. Not intelligent.

Now, remember how I said I'd bring up the age again? Here it is: Stephie's characters are all pre-teens. Sure, cool, why is that important?

Bigger question is, why is Stephie in real life concerned with children's genitalia? Let that sink in. We aren't dealing with just some average trans fool, we're dealing with a fucking pedophile. Remember PepeGamerXL? One of those.

Another question, why exactly does Stephie treat Transgender-ism as if there were 7 separate sexes?
You know what else have seven separate sexes?

The Boov, from the children's movie "Home". To be exact, Male, Female, BoyGirl, GirlBoy, BoyBoy, BoyBoyGirl, and BoyBoyBoyBoy. That's bad enough, considering Stephie is treating the group he is promoting as if they were Aliens from a kids movie. Now, hold on a second, the more I think of it, Sophie even looks like a Boov.

Now, remember Fiona from Shrek? Well- actually, no, nevermind, I feel bad for comparing that disgusting freak of nature to Fiona. To be brutally honest, Stephie was probably Assigned Female and fabricated the story that she was born a Male to cover up the fact that she looks like a Shrek character.

Moral of the story: don't be a fucking faggot.
And don't be Sophie Labelle.

[Mission Complete!]
Respect +?

Dennis Clack #conspiracy plus.google.com

The enemies of America

I thought Soros with his billions and open borders and one world government nonsense was the enemy of the American republic. I was wrong. It is him and the Obamas along with the media, the elites and all their countless, drooling followers. The idea that a former president is burrowed into Washington and actively working against Trump to destroy our country is sickening. It also seems like treason.

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.
In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.
He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.
Since Donald Trump’s election, this little-known but well-funded protesting arm has beefed up staff and ramped up recruitment of young liberal activists, declaring on its website, “We’re not backing down.” Determined to salvage Obama’s legacy,”it’s drawing battle lines on immigration, ObamaCare, race relations and climate change.
Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory.
“It is fine for everybody to feel stressed, sad, discouraged,” he said in a conference call from the White House. “But get over it.” He demanded they “move forward to protect what we’ve accomplished.”

How Obama is bankrolling a nonstop protest against invented outrage
How Obama is bankrolling a nonstop protest against invented outrage

“Now is the time for some organizing,” he said. “So don’t mope.”
Far from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots. After Trump issued a temporary ban on immigration from seven terror-prone Muslim nations, the demonstrators jammed airports, chanting: “No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!”
Run by old Obama aides and campaign workers, federal tax records show “nonpartisan” OFA marshals 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Registered as a 501(c)(4), it doesn’t have to disclose its donors, but they’ve been generous. OFA has raised more than $40 million in contributions and grants since evolving from Obama’s campaign organization Obama for America in 2013.
OFA, in IRS filings, says it trains young activists to develop “organizing skills.” Armed with Obama’s 2012 campaign database, OFA plans to get out the vote for Democratic candidates it’s grooming to win back Congress and erect a wall of resistance to Trump at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.
It will be aided in that effort by the Obama Foundation, run by Obama’s former political director, and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, launched last month by Obama pal Eric Holder to end what he and Obama call GOP “gerrymandering” of congressional districts.
Obama will be overseeing it all from a shadow White House located within two miles of Trump. It features a mansion, which he’s fortifying with construction of a tall brick perimeter, and a nearby taxpayer-funded office with his own chief of staff and press secretary. Michelle Obama will also open an office there, along with the Obama Foundation.
The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents
Critical to the fight is rebuilding the ravaged Democrat Party. Obama hopes to install his former civil-rights chief Tom Perez at the helm of the Democratic National Committee.
Perez is running for the vacant DNC chairmanship, vowing “It’s time to organize and fight .?.?. We must stand up to protect President Obama’s accomplishments;” while also promising, “We’re going to build the strongest grass-roots organizing force this country has ever seen.”
The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents.
“You’re going to see me early next year,” he said after the election, “and we’re going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff.”
Added the ex-president: “Point is, I’m still fired up and ready to go.”
Paul Sperry is the author of “The Great American Bank Robbery,” which details the link between race-based housing policies and the mortgage crisis.?

Gail Chord #conspiracy plus.google.com

It would be nice to have these Panama Papers read in public and for all the sources to identify themselves. I suspect the whole thing may be a Jesuit orchestration, including this article claiming to report about Putin. The only reliable news source today is the Gabrielle Chana FOX news (00 on cable). The biggest financial embezzler in the world today is the Jesuit Order, who use clone versions of the Internet to secretly funnel off proceeds from book sales and other retail sales to Jesuit banks. But because Jesuits KEEP SECRET their UFO technology used to promote criminal enterprises and stealing everybody's money, and we never hear about it, Jesuits play dumb and nobody knows ANYTHING.

Joe Wamos #conspiracy plus.google.com

the government is remote viewing a big event in the future,possibly in September 11-31.that's why their is subliminal messages in every cartoon that predicts events. such as 9/11.

Look up and ask the lord to be his savior. he knows more than us. ?

miasia mm #fundie plus.google.com

Let's compare Christianity, Muslim, God, and Satan.
Christianity: Love each other, you shall not murder
Muslim: Kill people who turn away
God: Love and help one another, be saved
Satan: I want to be God. Kill, steal, and destroy anyone who turns to him.

Let's play the match up game.

Nathan Cunningham #fundie plus.google.com

[ after explaining how science does NOT provide evidence of the Bible ]

did you all stop reading halfway through? Give it a sincere shot then spam your hate.... The more we learn about quantum physics the more it points to intelligent design of everything. Like a computer for example; you can tell the 1's and 0's to be random, but it requires someone to tell them to start being random. Turns out the universe/multiverse works similar (so its beginning to seem, and these are secular physicist's who are leading the charge. Again, instead of telling me how full of rubbish I am... Google it and do the research). And with string theory (which we are just beginning to get a handle on) and the differences with light speed, it can easily throw off any timetable we are capable of coming up with on earth, so with time and light speed all being relative, a million years on this earth could be a day elsewhere and vice versa. There is the science, beyond this I'm leaning on faith.