Want to know why God exists?
Because, God is where we get our rights from. It doesn't matter what God, or religion, or anything for that matter, as long as we acknowledge we have natural rights bestowed to us by a higher power.
If our rights are natural, and from God, then no man can legislate them away.
Society is trying to erase God in a very desperate manner, don't let them do it! Once the notion of God is completely dismissed from our society, we will no longer recognize where our rights come from.
The state will say THEY grant us rights, and for safety reasons we need to give some back.
BS. Our founding fathers believed our rights came from God, and that no man can take them away.
Don't ever forget it.
"Want to know why God exists?
Because, God is where we get our rights from."
People like you BELIEVE that rights come from the God that you BELIEVE exist!
That belief doesn't prove that God exists, it just proves that you and everyone who think like you believe that rights come from God.
Strangely enough, none of those natural rights appear to be "freedom from torture," "children's right not to starve to death," and "freedom not to die from easily-prevented and trivially-treated diseases."
In fact, most of those natural rights appear to be primarily to protect property and money from those who don't have it.
There IS a right to life. Unfortunately it seem to only apply to fetuses still in the womb or people in a long-term vegetative state on life support with no real hope of recovery.
If our rights are natural, and from God, then no man can legislate them away.
In the face of the continued eroding of our rights due to legislation, the only conclusion can then be, by your own logic, that God doesn't exist.
"Our founding fathers believed our rights came from God, and that no man can take them away. "
Is that why the founding fathers put a wall of separation between church nd state?
So, according to the OP we get our rights from his god. What rights? The most important would be the right to live, I think. And yet, people keep getting killed by animals and other humans. looks like that god of his does not do much to enforce those rights.
Unless of course, this is all wishful thinking, trying to cover up the facts human rights were created in total contradiction with a religious state of mind and are simply an ideal we should strive to attain.
One of the two. Take your pick.
God is not needed. Humans evolved empathy, as more people survived when our ancestors worked together, and working together gets easier when everyone care for each other. With this empathy and willingness to work together, humans formulated rules and later laws.
Many human rights go completely against God's Word, so that can't be where we get our rights from. The only right God supposedly bestowed on us was to obey or be sent to Hell. There are no natural rights. Every single civil right has been fought and died for.
God's people is erasing God, in being insufferable uneducated and arrogant fundies, so more and more people move towards non-religion or atheism. In Sweden, God is more or less dismissed from society. Sweden is an important force in the fight for universal human rights for all.
Your Founding Fathers believed that only free white men should have the right to vote, and that it was perfectly fine to own other people. What does God say about the rights of women, children, gays, transgenders, non-Jews?
BS? Do you mean Bullshit? Yup, you're right there!
You do realize that our rights guaranteed by the Constitution have nothing to do with God, don't you? Especially the one about freedom of religion, which means that nobody can be forced to follow your religion. And if the Constitution came from God then there'd be no Second Amendment right to own firearms because it would conflict with "thou shalt not kill."
And if you read the bible, man has absolutely no rights other than to follow God's rules or burn in Hell.
Our founding fathers believed our rights came from God
No, they didn't. Your rights are inherent to you as a human, not as a subject of some higher power.
"Want to know why God exists?"
Because if he didn't, men would have to invent him.
Britain has a state religion, the Church of England, yet our government signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights.
The EU is very secular .
Holland was amongst the very first countries to legalise same-sex marriage. So did we, a few years ago.
And that was because the Church of England bishops & archbishops in the House of Lords dropped their opposition to S-SM, thus it breezed through Parliament & became law, so unless you're prepared to excise out of your Bible Romans 13:1-5, and go to Hell for contravening Revelation 22:18-19, then enjoy your paradox, pal.
Or you can simply admit that your 'God' has fuck all to do with our rights, the Founding Fathers went out of their way to avoid religion being involved with politics (as proved by the distinct lack of the words 'God', 'Jesus', 'Creator' and 'Marriage' within the US Constitution) and you've destroyed your own argument. Enjoy your paradox II.
Your first sentence starts out with an unwarranted assumption, that "god" exists. First you should not ask WHY he exists - you've got to start with IF he exists. Without that you've got nothing. And nothing is all you can demonstrate to us.
"If our rights are natural, and from God, then no man can legislate them away. "
You seem to imply that this is true. And yet it is the religious who want NOT to grant rights to women, or homosexuals, or Muslims, or immigrants. "Rights" are not just the thing that YOU want - you must also acknowledge that you must grant those rights to OTHERS.
Beside the right to your own thoughts I defy you to name a single 'right' that is universally available to every human on the planet. Every 'right' can be, has been and is being, taken away from somebody.
We can therefore conclude that 'rights' are not natural and that God has nothing to do with them.
"It doesn't matter what God, or religion, or anything for that matter, as long as we acknowledge we have natural rights bestowed to us by a higher power."
Fine. Our rights come from the State. *poof* Your god just became unnecessary.
"The state will say THEY grant us rights...
BS. Our founding fathers believed our rights came from God..."
But you just said it didn't matter, as long as they came from a higher power. And who cares what the founding fathers thought about it? They were just men. They weren't magical spirits of liberty and freedom. Hell, enough of them thought slavery was a good enough idea.
We are social animals and, as such, we must depend on each other for survival. We have rights because we agree that there are certain freedoms that we mutually agree that we want just like we mutually agree on what responsibilities need to be performed in order for all of us to live together harmoniously. I take this job as my responsibility and you take that one so we can both get something we want.
See? No god necessary.
If our rights are natural, and from God, then no man can legislate them away.
Then stop trying to do that with those you don't like.
Don't ever forget it.
Don't ever forget what?
If you believe your rights came from a higher power, than you believe that this higher power, or whomever you believe to be their representative, can take them away from you any time they want, and set up a worse tyranny than any human could.
That's the problem when trying to define intrinsic rights as being God-given, and what he has given he may taketh away
Er, no. My rights don't come from Cernunnos or Odin or the FSM or the Jewish god.
My rights come from humanity. Specifically, the people who fought, campaigned, and died for those rights. Humans are social creatures and as such we have an imperative to form a society. For a stable society to function, the people must have - guess what - rights.
If you claim your rights came from god, and I somehow were to prove god didn't exist would you be okay with losing all your rights, merely because it logically follows?
How about we agree human beings have rights because people matter?
BS. Our founding fathers believed our rights came from God, and that no man can take them away.
So you admit there would be a severe difference of opinion about the efforts to strip homosexuals, immigrants, and members of other faiths of their rights as is being pushed by people citing the Bible as all the reason they need?
In conclusion, you can't act as a moral person unless told so. As Voltaire said, "if there were no God, we'd have to invent it"
"It doesn't matter what God, or religion"
Meaning your source for this from your own mouth is actually straight outta your ass. Total excrement to be disposed of and never considered again.
PROTIP: even if your ASSumptions were true, it would only mean that you'd know one or more deity exists, not which one or why he/she/it/they exist.
By the way, care to enumerate which rights exactly are of divine origin, and how they are protected/enforced? Because aside from rights like "not spontaneously start floating in the sky" or "not spontaneously turn into a blow-up goat" or other rights that can be summed up as the right not to start defying the rules of reality, I don't exactly see gods doing much to protect my rights....
You may want to read a bit about a little thing called the social contract.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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