Okay yeah I'm a creationist but that does NOT make me an idiot!
No, it doesn't. It does however, make you look willfully ignorant, uncurious, and dogmatically unflexible.
As a matter of fact there are scientifically proven evidence that it is not true or contradicts with it.
I hear creationists make this "claim" time after time, over and over again, But what i don't see is any of them presenting this ephemeral and elusive "evidence" which all by itself can disprove not only evolutionary theory, but the last 150 years of observation and experimentation that have supported the theory. You can claim that evolution can be/has been "scientifically disproven" until the cows come home, but at the end of the day unless you can pony up some of this proof then you've got nothing.
It kinda bothers me that everyone says that we "pollute" the world and make it a bad place.
I'm willing to bet that most people who say that are refering to pollution caused by humans, not that humans themselves are the pollution.
A lot of bad stuff came from evolution to because freakin hitler followed the survival of the fittest rule a little TOO closely.
First off, the phrase "Survival of the Fittest" wasn't part of the theory of evolution. In an evolutionary framework "Survival of the Fittest" would refer to animals which are best adapted to fit their enviroment, and not, as you seem to claim, that whatever animal is stronger should kill the weaker animals.
Secondly, What do you mean Hitler followed it to closely? Hitler and the Nazi party banned the works of Charles Darwin and embraced the idea of a "Master Race" that was tasked by god to rule over the lesser races. That kind of philosophy is not only contrary to the ToE, it's antithetical to it.
Don't call me an idiot because I don't believe in what you do.
I don't. I call you an idiot because you feel the need to misrepresent, mislead, and outright lie about my position and what ideas I do or do not hold in your attempt to justify your own belief.
I couldn't give two shits whether you think the world was created by Yahweh, Zeus, or the fucking Great Pumpkin, what brings us into conflict isn't your beliefs, it's your need to lie to others about what evolutionary science, science in general, and the positions of those who accept the ToE.
Just let me believe in what I want to
I'm sorry, I must have not noticed the roving gangs of scientists that prowl the countryside forcing creationists to believe in evolution. Hmmm... Maybe that's because THEY DON'T FUCKING EXIST!!!
and don't call me an idiot because I believe that there is an intelligent designer out there.
Once again, I do not. I call you an idiot because you reject or deny all proven science as a mechanism for your "intelligent designer" in favor of Magic Man just "poof"ing the world and everything on it into existence around six to ten thousand years ago. I call you an idiot for your insistence that all things require a designer except your designer (One can only assume he must have "designed" himself into existence.).
Because honestly no one can prove that he isn't there.
It's not anybody else's place to prove that there isn't a designer, In the absence of any evidence whatsoever the burden of proof falls on you to prove that there is a designer out there somewhere. You make a positive claim that there "must be a designer" then it's on you to prove it. Getting all self righteous and saying "You can't prove me wrong, therefore I am right." is nothing more than a cop-out and pathetic attempt to muddy the water and draw critisism away from your unproven and untenable position.
So can't there be some sort of intelligent designer out there?
Possibly, but at present there is no evidence that such a thing exists or has acted upon life on earth in any capacity. Now either prove it or shut up.