afchief #fundie

Ambulance Chaser:
Afchief: Commenting by CTRL-V since 2015.

So, where are all the women being prosecuted for having abortions, if they're not legal?

You really are dense!!!! A “Supreme” Court opinion called Roe v Wade, is merely an opinion—not a law! They just tell us that it is and we believe them, follow the lie, and teach it to others. IT IS NOT LAW!!!!

Ambulance Chaser:
Yes, you keep saying that. So the truth is one of three things:

1) That's how it works.
2) Thats not how it works and 100% of the American legal system is deluded.
3) 1 and 2 are indistinguishable.

Then show me where the law is written in the Constitution? Show me where it is written in the states constitutions.


Ambulance Chaser:
It's not. That's what case law is for.

Anyway, why don't you answer my question? Why does every government official on every level obey Supreme Court rulings?

Yes, you are NO lawyer!!!! For the umpteenth time!!! They tell us that it is law and we believe them, we follow the lie, and teach it to others. IT IS NOT LAW!!!! It is NOT written anywhere!!!!! WE ARE BELIEVING LIES!!!

A law that is not written is NO law!

Ambulance Chaser:
Still waiting for an answer to my question. All state and federal officials are deluded, and only you know the way our government works?

I have answered your questions numerous times. For instance since the SCOTUS says homos can marry, where is it written that they can? Why do the states Constitutions still state marriage is between one man and one woman? Why hasn't Congress amended the Constitution to reflect this?

Ambulance Chaser:
Because they don't need to; Obergefell is binding, which is what I've been trying to tell you all along.

OMG!!!! Where is it written that it is a law?

And you call yourself a lawyer????????????



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