ID_Neon #fundie

Reasons the grand canyon disproves evolution

This thread is about how the grand canyon could not have been formed by uplift like "scientists" say.

1) unlike all other areas claimed to habe uplifted, Great basin, Tibetan Plateau, numerous mountain ranges, the Grand canyon plateau is remarkably flat.

2) uplift causes faulting, which doesnt really occur in the frequency of an uplift zone, and uplifting often diverts rivers so why is the colorado not diverted elsewhere by a fault?

The colorado river could not have carved the grand canyon because it goes from lower elevation to higher elevation unless you try to explain this away by uplift which for two obvious reasons, isnt occurring.

Furthermore, the Nile and the Mississippi are both much older than the colorado river, especially the mississippi, both have massive deltas and no massive canyon.

Yet the colorado going thru the grand canyon has almost no delta.

Since the rate of uplift us argued to be the same now as before the delta should be bigger than the other two rivers because of the massive amounts of sediment being removed.




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