If someone believe modern man been here for 150,000 years then it would seem you have to believe that man was as dumb as an ox for atleast 140,000 of those years why then beg the question where did this super knowledge suddenly came from. Maybe a man was struck by lighting huh? Or maybe aliens are involved as in Stargate?
Two simple reasons:
1) To paraphrase Newton, we see farther today because we stand on the shoulders of giants. We can build on the knowledge of our ancestors. The ancients didn't have so much to build on.
2) More people likely means more geniuses, which likely means faster improvement.
This dude seriously needs to read Richard Dawkins' book "The Selfish Gene" and get a basic grasp on memetic evolution. Yup, it took 150,000 years or so for apes to develop modern culture from, well, nothing. Memes don't just appear out of nowhere, someone has to think them up, and what you can think up is entirely dependent upon what you already know.
The "super knowledge" came from a hundred thousand years of trial and error.
For a long time they were a superstitious lot, who believed in a mythical god, and whose religeous leaders forbade the study of science because it was "evil" and "of the devil". If they were caught in the act of "performing" science, their religeon demanded they be stoned, or burned. Sound kind of familiar? Thank Darwin that science moved on in spite of christianity.
Well, for tens of thousands of years, men didn't have time for much else except hunting and gathering food. And then it took them more time to really come up with the ideas we take for granted--like organized mathematics and writing.
Considering that they had to create them from nothing at all, I don't think I can call them stupid. Can you?
How about we drop Smidlee, stark naked, into the middle of a jungle somewhere and then we can see how far his 'super knowledge' gets him ?
For most of humanities existence our levels of intelligence have remained, pretty much, the same. We just know different stuff, that's all.
They invented language, tools, civilization, discovered fire and how to use it, and so on.
I'd like to see you try that from scratch.
Inventing language is a much larger step than inventing a machine for which all the components already exist.
Everything we have can be tracked back to a simpler form of that. Being American you probably think everything was invented in America after 1776, under the glory of your church but you're wrong.
Major leaps in our technology and agriculture came from our world wide trade and explorations before the founding of America and after. The printing press further spread this knowledge and when combined with libraries (a even older idea) can easily be seen as the father to the internet.
There is no mystery to the lineage of knowledges boom if you are slightly curious. Smidlee's crap up there is merely one of their stupid strawman arguments.
It took us 150 000 years to acquire this super knowledge, silly. It was slow, not sudden.
A man is struck by lightning every year, but that usually destroys knowledge.
“If someone believe modern man been here for 150,000 years then it would seem you have to believe that man was as dumb as an ox for atleast 140,000 of those years”
Depends on how you mean ‘dumb.’
There was a time where we found naturally occurring fires and learned how to preserve the flame. At that time, no one knew it was possible to just start a fire with sticks or with rocks.
Knowing how to start a fire at will was a great advancement. They could not have figured out how to blow glass without that, though. So THAT advancement had to wait.
"why then beg the question where did this super knowledge suddenly came from.”
Us. It came form us. Every step up the ladder was us using our knowledg base to expand our knowledge base.
“Maybe a man was struck by lighting huh?”
People don’t tend to get smarter through this process.
“Or maybe aliens are involved as in Stargate?”
I think Stargate was more of a model of creationism, knowledge (and enslavement) from powerful beings.
That leap at 10,000 years would be more like 2001.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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