I disagree. I guess it just depends on how you interpret the facts. I have an advanced degree from Liberty University and one of the things that I was taught was to always submit my understanding of the facts to the objective witness of God's Word. This prevents me from falling into subjective interpretations.
So, you've learned to interpret the facts...by ignoring them (if they don't fit your preconceived notions of the world.)
What fine learnin' you had!
The fact that he graduated from Falwell's university comes as a surprise to no one.
At Liberty, you just have to reach deep enough into your ass and you can pull out a diploma.
Wow, what a coincidence! I just happenend to find just such a degree in my box of cornflakes this morning ...
Hmm, maybe that's why they say those degrees are a bit ..... (wait for it) .... flakey .... :D
I disagree. I guess it just depends on how you interpret the facts. I have an advanced degree from a madrassah, and one of the things that I was taught was to always submit my understanding of the facts to the objective witness of Allah's Word. This prevents me from falling into subjective interpretations.
"I have an advanced degree from Liberty University"
I would like to see what an advanced degree in ignorance is like. Do you have to study stupidity? Do you have to fail tests to pass the class? Do you have to have a negative GPA to get the degree?
That is serious Doublethink.
Don't you see that you're applying that which can be measured and proven (facts) to the limits imposed by one word. Granting for the sake of argument that every word of the Bible is true and God's, it's still not really objective, it's someone's opinion, infallible though it may be.
You're applying that which you have declared to be true regardless of any evidence missing or contrary against that which is known to be true by empirical observation, and deducting from the one that can be qualified.
An advanced degree from Liberty University, you say? Well I've got something even better--a balled-up cocktail napkin with an olive pit inside.
And just FYI, taking the Bible over observable reality isn't exactly "objective".
Ah, an "advanced degree" from Hitler's Sunday Skool, where you were taught that thinking for yourself is evil. I can see how it scares you, since independent thought will immediately expose your entire belief system as bullshit.
I presume you mean it's one step below buying a degree from a fake correspondence school overseas. This is Liberty, after all. I'd be more impressed with a degree from a fake correspondence school overseas. At least with those, you'd have to prove you can actually manage to fill out an internet form with the correct information.
Liberty, huh? PoeTroll. I say that, cuz your argument is the definition of a subjective interpretation of facts.
You're fun, MS. Stick around.
So if I go buy two advanced degrees from somewhere and tell you that you are wrong, will you change your mind?
Because that'd be worth $50 of anyone's money!
... always submit my understanding of the facts to the objective witness of God's Word.
I doubt if God actually answers, though. I think what Servant means is he always submits his understanding of the facts to the invented witness of some bronze age Arab goat-herder whom Servant is stupid enough to believe is speaking for God
@AgingHeretic - a poe is someone who says something so stupid you might think he was a troll, except for the fact that other fundies have said similar things in all seriousness, so you can't really tell.
Even if the bible were written by god.
Just a brief look into the old testament would be enough to prove without doubt, that god is far from objective ;)
There are enough examples in the bible of YHWH applying double standards concerning humans he likes/doesn´t like, so if the bible were written directly by god, you couldn´t trust on its objectivity ;)
I don't think you guys understand the distinction between "objective" and "subjective." "Subjective" refers to a personal opinion; the impressions and notions of the subject viewing the object. For example, if I look at a sunset and say "that's beautiful," the latter statement is a subjective opinion produced by the subject (me) in relation to the object (the sunset).
The Bible is an external object. I did not write it and it does not reflect my own personal subjective opinions. It is an objective measuring stick by which I can measure my own ideas against the ideas of God.
"The Bible is an external object. I did not write it and it does not reflect my own personal subjective opinions. It is an objective measuring stick by which I can measure my own ideas against the ideas of God."
But, it written by _people_, and therefore is subjective.
Liberty University.
Nuff said.
No messianic, you do not understand the meaning of subjective. The very nature of any religious work makes it subjective because one of the reasons it exists is to convince and convert people. It is no more objective than an advertisement or political pamphlet. And the Bible is a 2000 year old document, with multiple authors(in most cases writing from older writings or oral histories even older) each with his own personal moral or political agenda, edited and collected by a committee(again full of personal agendas)from MANY similar writings of equal religious or historical value, and translated from ancient languages into many different translations(again by people with more personal views and ideas or, in the case of King James' "Divine right of Kings", selfish agendas). No it does not reflect your subjective personal opinions, you reflect its subjective personal opinions.
Liberty University isn't a real school, it's a fundie indoctrination center, and you know full well that no self-respecting business owner (or manager) would hire a nut with a "degree" from such a place.
And, I have to ask: What's the degree in, anyway, Bullshit Arts?
There's NO 'objective' view of anything if it comes from Fartwell's mis-named university. There is only 1 view - the myopic, funda-MENTAL-ist 'Christian' view. And to 'interpret' the facts, you have to ignore them if it doesn't fit the mis-named 'Biblical' view of the world.
'Nother OT question:
How do you mark up text so it's bold faced or italizied, etc?
I tried using HTML markups, but it didn't seem to work.
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