Christians i got a question for you all about the rapture...?
we all know there is a strong debate about whether there is going to be a pre-trib rapture (like in the left behind series) a mid-trib rapture, or a post-trib rapture....
but i heard an idea that is quite new to me that i never thought of from my youth pastor the other day, and wanted to get you opinion on it...
his idea is that as every side can site verses that their view on the rapture is correct that all 3 views are right, and there will be 3 raptures and each one taking those that are faithful to him leaving everyone else who isn't yet ready to become the bride of christ on earth a little longer to mature spiritually to the point jesus wants them to be.. as the Church is supposed to be the bride of Christ, and would you mary a baby? since that is what it would be in the case of Jesus looking at the state of the Church now as most people who call themselves christians still have a lot of matureing to do.
so think it makes sense if there were multiple raptures?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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