Anyway, in 2012, I am taken now and forever. My Boyfriend is Jesus. Jesus always tells me that IF I do wanna love a man, then I must love HIM, not any earthly guy. Or, He’s gotta kill me in a very extremely gruesome way. Jesus always threatens me that, and I do love His threatening. I know He is jealous. And, He even killed Lu in 1996, just because Lu and I were getting too close that year. You know what? I am shocked and stunned now, because Jesus kills when He gets jealous. I am really shocked and stunned. I am taken. Jesus is my Darling now and forever. And, Jesus is also my Emperor. He can kill me at any moment at any time He wants me to die very extremely gruesomely. Believe me. Jesus is God of Love, but He is also God of Kill.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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