I have dismissed evolution as a fairytale and that entails ALL forms of your fairytale.
Do you have someone tuck you in at night and read you these stories?
Aaawweeeee, that's so cute.
That's all you've got, isn't it, mickey? Against almost every branch of science, and 150 years of evidence, and every fossil ever found, and logic? You haven't even bothered to learn your own side's stupid pseudoscientific arguments.
Awww, that's so pathetic.
I have dismissed your myth as a fairytale and that entails ALL forms of your fairytale, including islam and mormonism.
Do you have someone pry your eyelids open and force you to watch a movie like in the clockwork orange to force you to believe this myth?
"I have dismissed evoluton as a fairytale..."
Really based on what? Certainly not the evidence that overwhelmingly supports evolution is real. Certainly not on the theory of evolution which explains the process and is able to change as new and better evidence becomes available. Certainly not because there is a better theory upon the evidence. Oh I know you reject it because it contradicts the fairytale you hold dear and are terrifed to let go of, the first 11 chapters of Genesis.
Do you have someone tuck you in at night and read you these stories?
Yeah. I used to love the one about the evil talking snake that convinced a woman to steal some magic fruit, and the magician got mad and cursed her and her descendants for all eternity. Then the good prince came along and removed the curse by allowing the evil Jews to kill him by nailing him onto a cross by his hands and feet. Then he came back to life and he and his supporters lived happily ever after in the arms of the great Lord.
Then I saw the Disney version (Snow White) and liked that one better.
In fact, we have fossiles, a computer, antibiotics and DNA samples, want a dictionary to look them up?, it's not nice to make the tough job.
This idiot behaves as though as he knows better and all he ever does...
Oh, forget it, what's the point?
"I have dismissed Christianity as a fairytale and that entails ALL forms of your fairytale."
Fixed. And this time it makes sense, too.
Aw, Mickey, you came up with that all by yourself? How droll! I mean everyone knows that the "evolution fairytale" is less beliveable than Brothers' Grimm. It has talking snakes, talking bushes, parting seas, people walking on water, people raising the dead, people throwing out evil spirits, falling walls from shouts, and... oops, that's the Bible, isn't it? Nevermind!
Jeopardy Contestant Carlos: "I'll take "Lame Arguments" for $800, Alex."
Alex: "Get this right and you tie Becky for second place.
When Mickey, from CARM said, 'Do you have someone tuck you in at night and read you these stories', he said it why? *bzzzt* Carlos."
Jeopardy Contestant Carlos: "What is, Because he hears it all the time and he has no individual or original thoughts of his own?"
Alex: "That is correct. Another $800 for you, well played."
Jeopardy Contestant Carlos: "I'll take "Lame Arguments" for $800, Alex."
Alex: "Get this right and you tie Becky for second place.
When Mickey, from CARM said, 'Do you have someone tuck you in at night and read you these stories', he said it why? *bzzzt* Carlos."
Jeopardy Contestant Carlos: "What is, Because he hears it all the time and he has no individual or original thoughts of his own?"
Alex: "That is correct. Another $800 for you, well played."
A flat earth, a solid sky-dome with lights stuck in it, talking snakes, magic fruit, people made of dirt & ribs, the Bronx Zoo on a barge, and flaming shrubbery.
Who's believing fairy tales again?
Do you have someone tuck you in at night and read you these stories?
No, I'm intelligent enough to read The Bible on my own, thanks.
Now, as to the alien-gorilla crossbreeding project...I think you should go with that, mickey.
Dismiss the two "obvious" fairytales, and that's what we got. Another fairytale.
Ad Hominem Logical Fallacy. Next?
>>Do you have someone tuck you in at night and read you these stories? <<
Yes, actually. I liked my father to read me excerpts from David Attenborough's books. But I have a weird family.
Aaawwweeeee, that is so stupid. Not to mention that the irony is threatening my meter with a fatal overload.
The bible has to be the ultimate book of (bad) fairytales ever cobbled together.
That's nice, mickey. (*pats mickey on head *)
Now, you go up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire, as the adults are talking; if you're a good little boy, I'll read you a bedtime story: the fairytale of the man made of dirt, and his wife - who is himself - who has been cloned from his own rib, and told to eat a magic fruit by a talking snake , and tuck you in.
...because if you aren't a good boy and do what I say, I'll set the nasty Reality Bogeyman on you! >:D
“Aaawweeeee, that's so cute.”
Wrong word, idiot. ‘Awe’ means to be impressed.
You mean ‘Aw,’ as in a dismissive moan.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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