yeshuasavedme #fundie
No one has ever proved the existence of "gravity". It is only a theory. Surely you know that fact?
There are some basic experiments which show the "force" called "gravity", neutralized; some done by Boyd Bushman, a retired Senior Research Scientist who formerly worked for Lockheed Martin. He is not a believer in Jesus Christ, and IMHO he is therefore in danger of worshipping the "force" -in absense of God, but which force is itself just a servant of YHWH the Creator.
Nevertheless, his experiments are reproducible by anyone who takes the time and money to do their own -or watch and listen to his. Of course there are the armchair skeptics who scoff at everything they have not been part of, as if all knowledge begins and ends with what they experience, and they truly believe that there is nothing in existence if they do not know it.
-but if you watch and listen to Boyd Bushman then please do not come back and try to mock and scorn. I just direct you to someone who has proven what is called gravity is not what it is thought to be. But if you thnk that you can prove gravity truly exists, then go ahead -but no one has; and evidence is against it, even in the ancient writings of the pre-Hindus, who wrote of building space ships and traveling in them without any effects of what is today called "gravity", and how they did it and how they piloted them and so on and so forth. You can find links to all these ancient texts @
Enoch said all these secrets were taught Adamkind by the fallen sons of God, who took daughters of Adam as wives. The "secrets" were all used to promote rebellion against God, and for only evil purposes. The ancient pre-Hindu peoples who wrote of these things spoke of the civilizations destroyed by all the weapons the "gods" taught the use of, to the sons of men, [and the destruction of whole civilizations in those wars resulted in the survivors inventing and preaching the pre-Buddhism religion]. Those weapons included atomic bombs, laser light beams, a force for destruction that is indescribable, and all the un-conventional weapons of warfare which now re-invented and those which are only on drawing boards still, today.