For your amusement, I present a selection of somewhat critical quotes from the Uncyclopedia discussion page on Conservapedia:
You think you can make Conservapedia vanish? Did Nero make Christianity vanish when he persecuted its followers? Huh? Now get that stupid idea out of your head. No matter how hard you try, it won't go away because GOD WILL BRING IT BACK! Beezwax 03:11, 21 June 2007 (UTC)
And another one from Beezwax:
You know what this article does? It makes you libbies look even more stupid. As if you could be even more brainless and empty-headed than you already are... I don't care if you think Conservapedia is parody, that's the best you can do. All you can manage are a string of assenine personal attacks which have no merit. You have skimmed over Conservapedia just for quotes you dipweeds can take out of context to make yourselves look smarter, when it does the opposite! Go stick your brainless slob heads into a tub of liquid nitrogen and maybe you'll be a little smarter when you come out. Reality has a right-wing bias; assholes and the demon-possessed have a left-wing bias. Left-wing comes from Satan. Beezwax 03:04, 21 June 2007 (UTC)
And another hit from the man:
I just love how Liberals always accuse Conservatives of being the exact same things that Liberals, themselves are. If you tell the same lies over and over, people begin to believe them. It's really an ingenious strategy. Oh yeah, and BTW mr. THE MAN, I can't believe you actually said "the same things that Conservatives, themselves are". That is what YOU, Yourselves are! I am dumbfounded at how Liberals' brains work, all they seem to do is operate on hate, fear and BS. Cheers, have fun in the anarchist society that you so long for! :p - Beezwax
And a long, rambling post from Scorpion, who also posts to Conservapedia:
What's so funny about my comments that you have to monitor me and post every contribution I make to every talk page? Talk about Big Brother! - Scorpion
P.S. I removed everything you posted. Anything more you post can and will be used against you in court of law! And your parents need to beat you more - Scorpion
But you may certainly post my letter! 18:09, 3 August 2007 (UTC)
But you can remove the bullcrap you put in. That is not what I wrote, and whether or not you think that's what it means is irrelevant. Get it out! I don't need Ann Coulter or Bill O'Reilly to adopt me, I have no idea who this Pat Robertson guy is, and I don't think science lies! You think science lies! But how on earth can you defend abortion? It's like trying to defend Ed Gein or something! You're just proving just how much you want the human race to dwindle away by supporting murder of innocent babies. I didn't say gays aren't people, but they are making bad choices and certainly such open-minded, intelligent people like you (ha ha, sarcasm) can respect that!!! The earth wasn't made in seven days, it was made in six. - Scorpion