"Some argue that atheism partly stems from a failure to fairly and judiciously consider the facts"
While others argue, since at least 100 years ago, that on the stupidity scale arguments like that are over 9000. Assholes bringing this argument up often get the banhammer. They may also have centipedes in their vaginas.
And now we know why wikipedia doesn't allow "weasel words" like "some argue" or "some say". Who argued this? Where? Can we see the reference?
Sigh. At least, the more they have this kind of thing, the more people on the fence will see them for what they are
Hope that helps,
Grey Wolf
What facts? There aren't any facts to consider, unless a god or gods comes down and saying "yep, here I am". As the Conservapedia article itself points out, there are many religions. If there actually were facts, the various religions would agree with each other on them. Heck, even Christians can't agree with each other.
While others argue, since at least 100 years ago, that on the stupidity scale arguments like that are over 9000. Assholes bringing this argument up often get the banhammer. They may also have centipedes in their vaginas.
You fail, you forgot Poland.
You ought to take a gander at the site it comes from. Most of the "references" I saw were op-eds from a variety of internet sources, or didn't have much to do with assertion in the article.
For instance, "conservapedia" stated that atheists have long been associated with "moral deprevity," but checking their sources about that particular statement - they reference an ABC article about which group donates to charities.
The entire article is a joke and freely states conjecture as well-established fact - but that's hardly surprising coming from the fundimentalist community.
First line of the article:
"Since atheism is denial of the existence of God or gods, it is important first to identify in which god the atheist denies."
So if you deny Thor but accept Osiris you are an athiest?
Surely that would make all christians atheists as they deny Shiva?
And some would argue that American corporations make good lager.
And some would argue that the Cleveland Browns are a good football team.
And some would argue that Camilla Bowles is a real looker.
And some would argue that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.
And some would argue that Phantom Menace was a damn fine movie.
All of those claims have about as much validity as yours.
Some argue a lot of things. Some people, for instance, argue that the moon is made of green cheese, the world is flat, and there are tiny people living in their pants.
Generally, we either laugh at those people, or try to give them meds.
Christian: The bible is right because it says it is, so it can't be wrong. It says it's right! Right here, see?
Atheist: Well, the bible says it's right, but has way too many inconsistencies to be taken at immediate face value.
Who considers facts?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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