Caesar Avgvstvs #wingnut
I also came to that conclusion concerning the leftist coalition in my mid-20's. I couldn't see how homosexuals, feminists and abortionists could align with Muslims or blacks who repress them in their own environments. It occurred to me that the only thing that keeps these groups together is their shared hatred (and jealously, in the case of most non-Whites) of both conservative (gender roles perceived as natural, family/nation/race before individual, etc.) and classically liberal (exposed natural inequalities, individual responsibility, entitlement only to what you earn for yourself, equal opportunity, etc.) Western society.
They are a "coalition of hate" that feel that this Western society is so dangerous that all their differences need to be put aside to combat it. Their idea is that they will usher in an era of peaceful coexistence (an obvious impossibility) once this society has collapsed. Rather, the collapse of Western society will be the death of them all- the feminists/homosexual/abortionist types will quickly be sidelined and many of them are White anyway, and the remaining members of the coalition- racial groups- will simply revert society back to the way it was before colonialism if not much further backwards. Leftist ideas that mixed race people, breakdown of tribalism, "democracy building" in the third world, multiculturalism, etc. will prevent this polarization are utter rubbish. The breakdown of this coalition will be within this century with minority groups already fighting each other (e.g. blacks/Hispanics hate each other in America, and the more their numbers are raised, the more they can't avoid confrontation) and with Europeans becoming minorities in most of their nations by mid 21st century. The resurgence of ethnic/religious based political movements and growing "racism" and "intolerance" are inevitable and there is nothing that the globalist/cultural Marxist types can do about it- they have also signed their own death sentences. In the real world nobody cares about "tolerance", gender equality, individualism etc. when society is collapsing around them and they're struggling to put food on their plate. That Israel's government is now a coalition including far-right militarists/ultranationalists shows that even they are fast becoming cynical and/or paranoid about the future.
Africa's numbers will plummet downwards with the absence of economic/medical aid, and without Western support to overthrow various authoritarian leaders. The Middle East would inevitably develop into another Ottoman Empire/Caliphate-styled entity (much like the IS is working towards now, sooner rather than later if they achieve their goal) and Africans would simply be underneath both Asiatic and Arabic hegemony once again.