ALL the students in Christian High School DO NOT beileve in God at all.
I beileve in God because I'm a Christiana. I do beileve that God
SHOULD BE ALLOWED IN ALL KINDS OF SCHOOLS.The reason God is not taught in school is because teachers think that religion will get in the way of school education. You know what? IT SHOULD. RELIGION HAS TO be taught in school, Whether the teachers or other students like it or not.GOD AND EDUCATION SHOULD BE TAUGH IN EVERY SCHOOL.
RANDOM capitalization is NOT A GOOD idea for GETTING YOUR point ACROSS.
Also, true Scotsman fallacies, and yes, teaching religion will get in the way of education. Your god does not belong in school, so stop whining.
The reason God is not taught in school is because teachers think that religion will get in the way of school education.
This is true (and evident in some cases), and is much the same reason that, for example, Mathematics should not be taught during Linguistics classes.
Religion classes I have no problem with, but 2 plus 2 does not equal Jesus.
(edited for mathematical symbol fail)
(Damn! Empress beat me to it.)
So, next PTA meeting I'm gonna stand up and demand that Islam be introduced and regularly taught in the local public schools because Jewell's got her undies in a bundle.
Oh, wait, she meant that it was supposed to be Christianity... Silly me!
Obviously religion got in the way of her education. Apparently she never learned much about spelling or how to type, as she mistakenly continues to hit caps lock, as well as never having learned that their is spell checker.
No, students need to know when and where capital letters can be used, and you're a very bad example. It's obvious from your post that you are under-educated, or perhaps you are just very thick.
Fine. Here's your copy of the Qu'ran. Study up...
OH, we should all be forced to learn about your God, but you shouldn't be expected to return the favor...?
So what's the problem, exactly? In Norway, we have a religion class in high school. In there, we get to learn about all major religions, their history, traditions, etc. This class does not get in the way of education at all. In fact, it's enlightening, without leaning towards any religion in particular.
Personally though, I believe they should teach every major religion in this religious class to be fair, yes, including FSM.
@ above
Yes, let's not teach science, it belongs in laboratories, let's not teach English, it belongs in writing, let's not teach maths, it belongs on blackboards, none of which need to be at a school to learn.
Schools should teach what they want, not what you think they should teach.
Some schools have churches, some don't have blackboards or labs, the constant is something is being learnt.
No, it's because Religion belongs in church, separate from what should be taught at school, and because religions and ideas of God vary. This is what protects you from being indoctrinated in Islam or mormonism or anything else you wouldn't agree with. It's to protect all of us (including you) from oppression by others' religions...see how that works?
Hows about we stick to reading and writing for now, hun...? When you get the basics down, then get back to us about God, 'k?
RELIGION HAS TO be taught in school,
Which religion, Jewell? Lemme guess, YOUR religion, right?
Is your real name Christiana or are you misspelling Christian?
I do not believe that you should spell believe "beileve."
I hope you were taught to spell taught in school.
Jewell sweetheart the dictionary is your friend.
Jewell your atrocious spelling and inability to write a coherent logical sentence is why we should not take time out of the day to discuss sky-daddy.
Please do not breed until you are smarter.
We did learn about religion. We learned about it in humanities and English, so that we could make sense of literary allusions to either Graeco-Roman gods or Christ. Oh, but I guess you mean that schools should teach your particular brand of Christianity as The Truth.
[ALL the students in Christian High School DO NOT beileve in God at all. ]
Evidence for this?
[I do beileve that God
So should spelling and grammar.
[Whether the teachers or other students like it or not.GOD AND EDUCATION SHOULD BE TAUGH IN EVERY SCHOOL. ]
Many a dictator have believed the same thing.
Dear Jewell;
We here at the Church of Scientology agree with you 100%.
We would be more than happy to come to your school to indoctrinate teach you and your classmates about Scientology.
Free personality evaluations on an E-meter will be needed first of course so that we can properly assess each students household income needs.
Please let us know when we might arrange a couple of days of classroom time at your school.
Thank you;
Random Scientologist
At my schools we learned about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Humanism in our religious education classes. We also covered the Norse, ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian religions in history lessons. My only problem with this is that we didn't do enough on Judaism, and that we didn't cover Shinto or Buddhism. These days I think Wicca should be covered as well.
I absolutely agree that religion should be taught in schools, as it's crucial to understanding history and some literature, and knowledge of other religions promotes tolerance and understanding.
But I suspect that's not what you want, is it?
" RELIGION HAS TO be taught in school, Whether the teachers or other students like it or not."
Line up for muslim class wether you like it or not.
As long as you teach about allah, odin, zeus, the invisible pink unicorn, ra, krishna, mithra, baal, atheism and satanism as well.
See how this would get in the way of education?
Religion was taught in my school when I was young. Which is probably why Sweden is such a religious country. Oh, wait...
Education is taught in every school, stupid. That is what school is all about. Or rather, you receive an education if you participate in the teachings of a school.
You seem to have skipped most of the English lessons to sneak in a bit of religion instead.
"I beileve in God because I'm a Christiana."
Do you?! [/hyper-sarcasm] And there's me thinking that you were a 'Jewell'?! In that case, I believe in an Invisible Pink Unicorn:
...because I'm a Moose . [/smartarse]
...oh, and as for:
Moral: You are too intellectually inferior to know how to spell properly (proving what I've said time and again: 'Hoemskuling' - especially by fundie parents - should be illegal worldwide), and therefore incapable of coming up with a coherent thought, never mind think that anything you say has the right to be listened to. Your 'opinion' is invalid.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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