"Archeologists have found fossils of sea animals, hippopotami, and other animals not indigenous to North America in places like Nebraska. The only way they could get there is by the ocean.
Yet the desire to deny God and the flood is so strong in many scientists that they will deny the most logical and rational explanation which is a global flood, and instead, make up any story no matter how much it contradicts reality, that it will be fascinating to see what bizarre stories they can concoct to explain those fossils. Afterall, if scientists claim there was a global ice age, then they should have no problem with claiming there was a global flood. So why don't they? Simple, because God says there was a flood and it's Satan's job ( which he does very well) to try to keep people from believing God
So scientists come up with even more irrational and bizarre explanations to try to deny God. One possible story would go something like this; "Well, the prairie dog simply mutated into a seahorse or hippopotmas, then before they died out, they mutated back into prairie dogs." That's on the same par with claiming that monkeys mutated into human beings. But that's what looking at fossils can generate; faulty conclusions that come from the desperate imaginations of men."
I'm not versed in your first claim so I'm not going to touch it, but as for the second; There are mountains of evidence for an ice age, there is none for a global flood. In order for there to have been a flood your god would've had to attempt to cover it up just to leave a few minor things behind which you fundies can point to as "proof" of said flood while scientists come up with rational explations for them. Your last paragraph is not an example of a rational explation, it's an example of your warped little brain completely making things up in an attempt to make anything you don't believe in sound silly. Nobody can be this stupid.
Uh, there was a sea there. But gosh darn, Carico, it's nice to have ya back. You brighten a day, in a perverse sort of way.
""Archeologists have found fossils of sea animals, hippopotami, and other animals not indigenous to North America in places like Nebraska. The only way they could get there is by the ocean.
Someone isn't familiar with plate tectonics I see.
Yet the desire to deny God and the flood is so strong in many scientists that they will deny the most logical and rational explanation which is a global flood, and instead, make up any story no matter how much it contradicts reality, that it will be fascinating to see what bizarre stories they can concoct to explain those fossils
A scientist who refuses a logical answer isn't a scientist with one iota of respect from the academic community. As for contradicting reality, well, I think you should read the bahbull a bit more objectively.
So scientists come up with even more irrational and bizarre explanations to try to deny God. One possible story would go something like this; "Well, the prairie dog simply mutated into a seahorse or hippopotmas, then before they died out, they mutated back into prairie dogs." That's on the same par with claiming that monkeys mutated into human beings. But that's what looking at fossils can generate; faulty conclusions that come from the desperate imaginations of men.""
Governments of the world: The above is the ludicrous bullshit your people wind up believing when your education system teaches pseudoscience. Teach Science not theological nonsense.
The concept of plate tectonics has been confirmed for at least 100 years. NOrth America was fused to Europe some 200 million years ago. Magma moving within the earth, not Satan, is responsible for this.
Either way, there is not current, existing or hypothetical, that can push bones halfway around the world.
Carico, Carico, Carico. You're familiar with the Gulf of Mexico, right? Well, there's a story there.
See, the Great Plains, they're all marine sediment. The whole area, from Louisiana all the way up to Saskatchewan, was an inland sea at one point. That's why we find marine fossils there -- the current position of the Gulf Coast is the lower end of all that sediment. No need for a flood really.
Hang on a minute. The animals are in the ark right? The rest of the world is under water. The ark makes land fall in the middle east and all the animals disembark. So how the fuck did a hippo get to North America?
I think that you're making this up.
Easy Lover: "So how the fuck did a hippo get to North America?
Last week we had a fundy explain that tortoises crossed the oceans on rafts. Ergo, hippos came here on BIG rafts.
See, there's a simple explanation for everything. Not correct, but simple.
eh, while there isn't that much physical proof for a giant flood, it is interesting to note that many religions have a gigantic flood mentioned in their whatever
but that isn't why there are hippopotomouses in NEBRASKA, so you're doing it wrong, Carico.
The only way they could get there is by the ocean.
What ocean? The ocean between Europe, Greenland and Canada is less than 50 million years old.
"Afterall, if scientists claim there was a global ice age, then they should have no problem with claiming there was a global flood. So why don't they?"
Very simple really. There wasn't one.
Scientists claim that clouds are made of water vapour, so they shouldn't have any problem claiming rain is actually kool aid.
Afterall, if scientists claim there was a global ice age, then they should have no problem with claiming there was a global flood.
Carico, dear, an ice age is simply a time period where the average global temperature drops sharply. While this results in snow in more snow and the creation/growth of glaciers, it doesn't mean that the whole planet is encased in ice. There simply wouldn't be enough water on the planet for that. And ice takes more space than liquid water, so the idea of a global flood as described in the Babble just doesn't hold water (pun intended).
So scientists come up with even more irrational and bizarre explanations to try to deny God. One possible story would go something like this; "Well, the prairie dog simply mutated into a seahorse or hippopotmas, then before they died out, they mutated back into prairie dogs." That's on the same par with claiming that monkeys mutated into human beings. But that's what looking at fossils can generate; faulty conclusions that come from the desperate imaginations of men.""
That's a nice strawman, Carico. Unfortunately, EVOLUTION DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!!![/MORBO] Going from a terrestrial species to a fully marine animal takes millions of years...
So wheres the evidence that the scientists would use such a ridiculous theory? And one thing really bugs me about creationists and fundies. They try to disprove atheists and evolutionists but never try to prove their own theory. If even they do, the most common argument is "The Bible said it, I believe it, that settles it" and "NEVER QUESTION THE INFALLIBLE WORD OF GOD"
Another explaination for these far-flung fossils is migration. It was the opposite of a Flood, the sea levels were lower during the Wisconsinan Ice Age. Where the shallow Bering Sea is between Alaska and Siberia was dry land. Elephants and horses went west into the Old World- neither was in the Americas in 1492- and, more importantly, humans went east into Alaska and south. I wonder how a fundie would say millions of Natives got here from the Garden of Eden or after the Flood.
they are not indiginous NOW. Herds of hippos once roamed the great plains area before it was under a mile or so of ocean.
There is evidence of a global ice age, in fact its probably hard to have a local ice age. Of a great world wide flood, sorry , no evidence found. Now a black sea flood, the breaching of gibralter etc , yup that has evidence but not 4000 years ago.
There was no global ice-age, there was a global lowering of temperature, which caused permafrost in the northern, and probably southern, regions of the Earth.
Monkeys did not mutate into humans, stupid; humans and monkey share a common ancestor, which was neither human nor monkey, but something in between.
The desperate imaginations of men is what brought forth religion, asshole.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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