Manaphy #racist
If Detroit, East St. Louis, Cleveland, Pontiac and Flint were populated with "creepy-a** crackers" and "the same group of white crackers who fought civil rights", then these cities would look like Rome, Paris, Moscow, Stockholm, Oslo, Frankfurt and other beautiful European cities, because the same crackers whom Charlie Rangel wants to genetically exterminate with "comprehensive immigration reform" are the creepy-a** crackers who founded Western-European civilization, who annually make 85% of all scientific advances, who (on average) perform overwhelmingly better in schools and universities than any other racial group (save for Ashkenazi Jews and Asians), who Developed and advanced the fields of Art, Music, and Mathematics, who built the fabric of society, who developed and created empires in Europe, while the rest of the world was inhabited by savages who constantly engaged in tribal wars and savage conflicts. If Rangel is so unsatisfied with "crackers", then I suggest that he move to Zimbabwe.