Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

The Two Camps battling the LEAD the NWO


Masons, Knights of the Garter, The Windsors, City of London, English Bankers


Jesuits, Knights of Malta, The Spanish Royals, Vatican, Vatican Bankers

In America.. Camp A is the Democrats.. i.e. English/Jewish Agents

Camp B is the Republicans i.e. Vatican Agents

Juan Carlos had Two Sons running in the Republican Race

Hillary has always been backed The English Crown

The Jews hate the Vatican and teamed up with the English Crown/Royals.. and The Crown uses them as prime agents for the cause


Trump is getting flack from the Republicans because he is not a Vatican Agent

Trump is House of Orange.. which is more aligned with the English Crown (there is still a 700 beef between the Houses though)

But the Enemy of my Enemy (The Vatican) is my friend.. so the Windsors and Oranges sometimes work together if it is advantageous

The House of Orange is challenging the House of Windsor to Lead Group A

The House of Orange runs Bilderberg



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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