Increasingly, I have less and less sympathy for victims of these kind of crimes -- Western white women who spend their enitre lives in some left-wing university and actually believe their own "diversity" and "coexist" propaganda. They then go to the darkest jungles of the Third World, expecting to be treated just as if they were at the local Starbucks sipping latte, and end up getting gang-raped. Just last month some Swiss woman got gang-raped in India; then another white woman got raped in Brazil. I could have told them what to expect, but the would've just shrilly accused me of being "racist" and wouldn't have listened, would they?
Our colonial forefathers knew better, and when they went to the savage jungles they went heavily armed. They would've shot any native savage who so much looked at a white woman.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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