Never forget Nero....he started out sane and did some good things in the beginning...until he got into homosexuality, married his SLAVE BOY, killed is own mother, killed other random people on the streets and then turned depraved in the mind.
Is this the kind of authority and leadership we want for this country? Is this the kind of society we want? Is fallen Rome the kind of country we want our country to turn into when we approve of homosexuality?
Homosexuality is doomed for failure, just like Nero and Rome was when all the men were sleeping with slave boys.
Romans 1:28
Move to the 21st century:
Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir presided over getting through the financial crisis and returning Iceland to prosperity. Is this the kind of authority and leadership we want for this country? Is this the kind of society we want? Is prosperous Iceland the kind of country we want our country to turn into when we approve of homosexuality?
Ooh! Are we going with the "crazy people believed/did what you did" thing? Because we've got more ammo than the US military three times over if that's the case! Hell, the sheer number of gay pedophiles in Christianity outweighs what you allege Nero did like an obese hippo outweighs a butterfly, and unlike Nero we have irrefutable evidence for what yours did.
"Homosexuality is doomed for failure, just like Nero and Rome was when all the men were sleeping with slave boys. "
Rome worked just fine for 1000 years with homosexuality. 100 years after christianity became the official religion the Roman empire was imploding.
America is doomed for failure, just like Rome was when your particular giant man was making the rules.
Never forget Nero....
Is this the kind of authority and leadership we want for this country?
What, did someone bring Nero back from the dead so he can run for president in 2016?
...and just before that, the Roman Empire became a christian nation...
I'm not saying that there's a correlation or anything, but I think there's a correlation there.
Your education on the Roman Republic and Roman Empire seem...lacking.
Unless you're talking about one of the drives in "Death Race 2000" but even then your comprehension skills are very, very challenged.
and then turned depraved in the mind.
Like he wasn't a little nuts before.
So what was the straw that began to bend the back of Mr. Nero's mind, do you think; choosing to turn Ghey, owning slaves, murdering in the street when it should have been done behind closed doors, Ghey MARRIAGE, I bet . . . or just what, M. "dlo_3us2001", if that's your real name? Huh?
If we accept what you're saying as true, and Nero's insanity did only fluorish when he "became" homosexual, then it still wouldn't be indicative of the effect homosexuality has on society. One bad seed doesn't sully an entire demography. Using this argument we could argue that Francesco Franco, Tsar Nicholas II et al. are representative of all Christian leaders.
Thanks for the info. Good to hear that straight Christian men will never rape, or murder or go insane, and thus there are no Christians in prisons or mental institutions. And of course straight Christian men will never lead this country to war, or to financial straits. Like, uh.....Bush II?
can't really remember on the spot but I'm pretty sure many of the early roman emperors was subject to a bit of historical revision after they died, Nero may or may not have been one of them. also, as we know, either catholic governments or later protestant goverments never did anything bad, and everybody was happy forever after. oh wait...
Do we want people leading us like Hitler, who was straight and killed thousands of gays?
If that logic doesn't make sense, neither did yours.
Sorry to interrupt your pyromaniac rant, but please look up Annise Parker...
Nero wasn't even that bad of an Emperor and a lot of the negative things written about him were either exaggerated or outright slander by his enemies.
So yes, Nero wouldn't be that for our country.
Never forget Nero....
Ahh, Sue Nero, you betcha! How I miss the Golden Era of porn.
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@ Old Viking
Up to that point he was simply excitable.
"Just an excitable boy..."
Hitler was heterosexual.
Do we want people to get thrown into concentration camps, to kill off entire swathes of the population. Do we want the sheer brutality of Nazi Germany to take over? No more democracy? No? Then we should never vote for a heterosexual or anyone who believes in heterosexuality.
PS Rome fell when it was a Christian land. Many blamed Christianity and the abandonment of the traditional gods and religion for its fall...
1) Nero was always "into homosexuality". The Romans didn't think of sexuality the same way we do, they didn't have the gay/straight divide and most of the aristocracy were bisexual as we would describe it (except Claudius, according to Gibbon). They divided it between active and passive partner, pitcher and catcher.
2) Rome was Christian when it fell.
@other commenters: Good stuff, except. Please stop promulgating bad history just because it makes a snappy insult. Rome was already imploding when Constantine started the conversion process; he was fighting for dominance in a civil war when he had his vision, that's *why* he wanted a new imperial cult. People were losing enthusiasm for the existing one, as the Empire it represented grew weaker.
It worked, too. Christianity is really effective; after Constantine had it overhauled at the Council of Nicea it was perfectly structured as an imperial religio, because it demands so much of you, so consistently, and provides huge doses of emotional satisfaction for cheap, because most of the *real* benefits of being a good Christian are located post-mortem and thus not subject to examination. Perpetual jam-tomorrow. It is in basic structure a death-cult, which encourages personal sacrifice, and successfully normalizing that was one of the more brilliant political moves of the era.
The Eastern Empire lasted a thousand years under the Patriarch of Constantinople, though the last few hundred were much-diminished. It would be amusing if the Church had brought the Empire down, but it just isn't so. The cathedral-cities and monasteries of Europe were pretty much the reason literacy and any of Roman culture survived the seventh through twelfth centuries at all.
Come on, guys. Causation fallacy does not make us look smart.
Rome fell after it adopted Christianity and prohibited homosexuality.
Nero was driven from the throne by enemies, who might have spread the rumor that he was depraved in the mind. That was, after all, a common tactic in ancient times; to either vilify or eradicate your opponent.
The point is mainly that it makes just as much sense to blame Christianity for the fall of Rome as to blame t3h g3igh. Of course, I could point my finger at something else that just happened to occur around that time, but Christianity will strike a little closer to home.
I am aware that it is not quite true that Christianity caused the fall of the Roman Empire, but I'm sure when most of us refer to the rise of Christianity it is not so much an affirmative argument as a counterpoint.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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