In our face!! #conspiracy

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THINK - We as Christians are taught to love all people HOWEVER we know most of the people migrating do not have our best interest and could CARE LESS about our ways. We should pray the Muslims come to Christ but we know most are brainwashed from birth and want nothing to do with Christianity. Although not all immigrants are terrorists, if we speak up that they are we are labeled "Islamophobic". SO THE ONLY THING WE CAN DO AT THIS POINT is boldly expose the AGENDA behind the mainstream media and Satans governments WORLDWIDE below. THEY ARE ALL IN ON IT!!! Truth must be told (Eph 5:11).

These video covers how the current global Islamic Immigration is part of biblical prophecy. This immigration (Invasion) is a strategically planned occurrence and not a spontaneous crisis. Key players pushing this agenda include Obama and the governments of the world, THE UN, Pope Francis and the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The ultimate consequence of this mass rapid migration/invasion is the rise of Islam and Sharia law. We all need to educate ourselves and find a way to stop this in our own communities. They want us to fight so they can come up with a solution to ALL THE FIGHTING COMING OUR WAY. Paris is nothing compared to what is coming.

THEY WANT A PROBLEM - they will push Islam 24/7 until we all can't stand it anymore!!

THEY WILL GIVE US A SOLUTION - they will put new religious laws in place and try to mix Islam with Christianity = ChrisLam.....We are in the birth stages of Chrislam as we speak!!! THE ONE WORLD RELIGION the bible speaks of!!! Islam is being pushed down out throats and the invaders PUSH into all our countries so they can try and persuade people to join their side and the same for the other side!! Are we all this blind that we can not see what they " Are so called leaders" are up to...




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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