Feminists Are Evil Hypocrites
If you're a man, you're the target! If you're Caucasian, you're the target! If you're straight, you're the target! If you're a Christian, you're the target! Satan is destroying America because we have deliberately rejected God's Word. Consequently, feminism is becoming more popular, which seeks to make women EQUAL IN AUTHORITY with the man in marriage, home and church. Feminism is rebellion!!! A woman is precious, valuable and just as important in God's eyes as the man. Women are not commodities. It's amazing how feminists attack Christian preachers and the Bible, but they DON'T attack Hugh Hefner's smutty PLAYBOY empire that strings out women as whores and cheap commodities to be ogled. Feminists don't care about all the sexual exploitation of underaged teenaged girls by television executives. Do you know why? It's because the truth behind feminism is REBELLION AGAINST GOD. Since Hugh Hefner is a rebel against God, the feminists accept him and his scum magazine. Now that Hefner's sleazy daughter is at the helm of the ship, feminists are ok with that. Evil tolerates evil. The wicked support the wicked.
Feminists are hypocrites! You'll never hear feminists attacking magazines that exploit women's bodies for money, because it's evil. Feminists only attack something if God is involved. This wicked world hates God. Our nation has raised multiple generations of spoiled brats, undisciplined, lacking character, no respect for their elders,
"It's amazing how feminists attack Christian preachers and the Bible, but they DON'T attack Hugh Hefner's smutty PLAYBOY empire that strings out women as whores and cheap commodities to be ogled. "
Well someone needs to go read their Dworkin and Mackinnon!*
*Yes I am aware not all feminists agree with them.
Dave, you DO know that Satan isn't real don't you? Neither, for that matter is your god, so there's nothing to rebel against.
Just stop poking your nose into other people's lives, and you'll feel much less hysterical.
If you're a man, ... If you're Caucasian
So apparently white males are God's favorite.
Strange, as far as I know God is a really fat black woman.
Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't created in her image, Gaby Sidibe was.
Think about it.
If you think I'm wrong, prove it.
"Satan is destroying America because we have deliberately rejected God's Word"
So the imaginary bad guy is doing the imaginary good guy's bidding? Are you drunk?
"lacking character"
You mean unable to swallow the same bullshit forced down your throat by your lying parents?
Bullcrap! Total bullcrap! I'm a feminist and I HATE porno businesses which exploit and objectify women. Oh, and did I mention I'm straight, white and a Christian too? FAIL!!!
"...no respect for their elders" Just because someone is older than me doesn't mean that they automatically get special treatment...I'll be nice to them, just like I'm nice to people younger than me, but I'm not going to kiss up to someone just because s/he was born before me!
"undisciplined..." Read "not abused".
"lacking character" What Blarghonius said...
By the way...I know I've said this umpteen times but: Are you God? No? Then kindly STFU!
PS: The Bible CONTAINS God's words, but it also contains Satan's words, Paul's words, Gabriel's words, Mary's words, etc.
I'm glad to see this lunatic is still around; he's an endless source of comedy gold.
You are an idiot beyond all measure Dave.
It's really hard to type with a parrot crawling across your hands.
"You'll never hear feminists attacking magazines that exploit women's bodies for money..."
Just because whenever you see it you'd rather alt-tab to the browser window full of porn doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
...that's a terrifying thought: as though it weren't enough that Baptists and bootleggers conspired to prohibit alcohol, we'll have fundies and feminists going after the porn.
Consequently, feminism is becoming more popular, which seeks to make women EQUAL IN AUTHORITY with the man in marriage, home and church.
OH THE HORROR!!!!11!1!1!1
Feminists don't care about all the sexual exploitation of underaged teenaged girls
Compared to you, it may look that way[/snark]
the truth behind feminism is REBELLION AGAINST GOD.
Prove there is a "God" first, then we'll talk.
Gee, I wonder why religions are targeted. It couldn't POSSIBLY because of all the skeletons pouring out of their closets.
And I'm sorry, but since when does a child rapist ever get to call anyone else evil? More proof of the hypocrisy that is religion.
You'll never hear feminists attacking magazines that exploit women's bodies for money
Fuck, Davey, even sex-positive and anti-porn feminists are in agreement on this issue. The objectification and commodification of women is bad and wrong. The most pro-porn feminists that exist still agree that mainstream porn is degrading, harmful and deserving of criticism; they just think that the solution is making more realistic, woman-affirming, feminist porn, rather than doing away with porn altogether. I'm not aware of any admiration for Playboy among this crowd.
Feminists don't care about all the sexual exploitation of underaged teenaged girls by television executives.
I didn't know you were a television executive, David.
@mousse: That has happened already. I've tried explaining to anti-porn feminists that when you side with the same fundies who want to keep you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, you may not be fully across the issue, but they keep cooperating nonetheless. To be fair, I only know of this happening in France and Australia.
The book according to DJS: God loves women as much as men, provided that they are below men in authority in marriage, home and church.
Feminism IS a rebellion against this bullshit-doublestandards god (read: church) of yours, and the above is the reason why every enlightened person on the face of the planet should support that.
Dave, it's nice that you live so ecologically, but living under a rock you get so few of what goes on in society, it's just not worth it.
"Satan is destroying America because we have deliberately rejected God's Word."
Dave Stewart? Meet Ray Martinez!
"When the Bible and Christianity are abandoned, which is the only goal and agenda of Satan, he leaves that nation, city, person alone. To embrace secularism is to make peace with Satan. When this occurs the devil ceases to attack (incite violence in this case)."
Seconds out, round 1! *ding*
Look at this picture.
Meditate on it.
If you're a pedophile like David J. Stewart, you're the target!
It's amazing how feminists attack Christian preachers and the Bible, but they DON'T attack Hugh Hefner's smutty PLAYBOY empire
Apparently Davey has never heard of Gloria Steinem. And I'm pretty sure I've heard of feminists being against porn because they think it degrades women.
Feminists don't care about all the sexual exploitation of underaged teenaged girls by television executives
There's about fifty years' worth of feminist television criticism around, much of which features sexual objectification. If I remember rightly, Miss World was disrupted by feminist protests in 1970 and Miss Universe has been pulled from the television schedules in many countries thanks to feminist criticism. Caricaturing what your opponents believe rather than bothering to find out what they think leads to worthless screeds like David J. Stewart's here.
I don't know what planet you live on but most feminists are against the objectification of women that you describe, moron.
I know there are different schools of thought where some feminists find things like pornography insulting and demeaning while others believe it's liberating and counter-puritanical views on sexuality since consenting adults can do whatever they please with their bodies.
However, I'm pretty sure they all agree that exploitation is bad.
"Feminists Are Evil Hypocrites"
Right-wing Fundamental ist Christians who think they have the right to have so much as an 'opinion' about the activities of others - ignoring what Matthew 7:1 warns - yet commits one of the most hideous of worse -than sins: child abuse, are worse -than Evil Hypocrites themselves .
BTW, how's that bad back of yours Davey-boy? Giving you terrible gyp, is it? Good. Because the FBI will most probably have your conviction on Guam in their database, and the Customs & Immigration officers in the mainland US - where you'd previously gone for medical treatment (and I doubt Guam's hospitals have the advanced orthopaedic facilities California has, otherwise you wouldn't have needed to go there previously) - are very choosy these days about who they allow into their country. Two words: Criminal Record.
...but then, we all have our crosses to bear, do we not? Funny then, that I - a British left -wing Atheist, whose tastes in females run to those in their late 20s at least - aren't experiencing such anatomical problems of that nature, and am fit & healthy (20 miles on a bike is infinitely better than any drug!) for someone of my age.
Now what does that tell you eh, Davey-boy? Mayhaps your so-called 'God' now favours non -fundies - especially we morally superior Atheists - who aren't kiddy-diddling paedophile nonces like you .
If women were forced to appear in Playboy in order to keep their office jobs, you might have a point. But they're not. The women who appear in Playboy are for the most part models (or model wannabes). Feminists are not too concerned with what women choose to do voluntarily. Women don't choose to get paid less than men for the same job, get passed over for promotions, submit to the boss' "put out or get out" or get harassed or hazed on the job for daring to take "man's work" like firefighters or police officers. They don't choose to have Viagra covered by insurance while they have to pay for the birth control pills they need in order to service guys' chemically-enhanced boners. They don't choose to get fired because they're pregnant.
"A woman is precious, valuable and just as important in God's eyes as the man. Women are not commodities."
You've never read the Bible, have you?
Honestly people, your "Im Christian so I'm being persecuted because I don't like other people's opinions" is really insulting to the Christians who are being persecuted in dictatorial and theocratic countries.
Some women want to get a jobs and be leaders. How is this an attack on your religion?
"Evil tolerates evil. The wicked support the wicked."
Yes, because Hitler and Stalin got along so well.
I'm pretty sure very few feminists are fans of Hugh Hefner and the pornography/prostitution industry. I for one find Hugh Hefner to be about as icky as you dolts find homosexuality.
The truth behind feminism is EQUALITY. We're not OK with women misogynists, either.
We do often attack magazines that exploit women's bodies for money, because they are indeed evil. Some of us don't care about God, either way. Some of us are Christian and are not attacking everything God is supposedly involved in.
Maybe it's just that you don't hear about our protests agains pornography and prostitution, because you are not the receiving party then. Could that be it?
Uhm...I believe, actually, that Playboy is not a first-tier problem for most feminists because all the women in Playboy are adult volunteers. I'm not sure they're all career professionals in the relatively demanding field of 'being photographed,' but they made the personal choice to be displayed in that manner, for compensation.
A woman with no option other than to be subordinate in a marriage is not making a choice, and therefore it's something to object to.
Hang on--Playboy "strings out women as whores?" When did this magazine become a catalogue and how are they getting away with that? Presumably most subscribers are just window-shopping, as it were, as the number of people purchasing Playboy so vastly exceeds the number of Playmates that to make it a major commodities market would necessitate the perfection of human cloning.
Sleeping with Playboy Bunnies as a status symbol would have slightly different connotations in this context...
FUCK YOU, DAVID!!! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Feminism is not at all about turning women into whores, you misogynistic, women-beating moron; feminism is ONLY actually working to end misogyny and porno-businesses that depict women as sex objects once and for all as well as making sure that women will have the same equal rights as everyone else does! If you hate (and even want to be able to beat, rape and abuse) women, then try moving to Afghanistan!
I suggest you read the epistle of john I know that you all have the discernment except God calls us to sanctification converted by your doctrine confused I listen Wascher Paul is telling the whole truth 'you quote this verse then you do this with the Lord warns you to beware of false hypocrites then recalls
Leviticus 20:7
Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am the LORD your God.
1 Peter 1:15
but as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all your conduct,
1 Peter 1:16
for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."
Women, non-Caucasians, non-Christians and gay people have been the target for thousands of years. It's about f-ing time that white heterosexual Christian men were the target for a change, so they can get a bit of personal experience of how it feels to be discriminated against. Not that you're actually ARE, but if the mere illusion of discrimination is this hard for you dolts, imagine how the very real discrimination that gays, non-Caucasians, non-Christians and women face on a daily basis would gall you, and never again say that YOU'RE the stronger ones.
"Consequently, feminism is becoming more popular, which seeks to make women EQUAL IN AUTHORITY with the man in marriage, home and church."
Why do you say that as if it was a BAD thing?
mr stewart of course thare feminist and sjws that are anti playboy iam christain libreal egalitarian I have no prablem with woman who are leaders in fact thare woman preachers that better at preaching the gospel of jesus than you mr stewart...infact consevetive christains preachers like you who preach bullshit and shameing women wearing pants and bikini or showing any skin blameing woman for rape...it s not woman fault it is the mens fault...I think a woman in bikini look really pretty!but control my self and keep my hands to my self a not be sent to sent to jail or guam...lIke mr stewart...of course am not exactly sure if mr stewart did abuse the girl or not only god knows if stewart did... both men and women are shamed by conservetive christians like david j stewart women are shamed for showing skin wearing pants and wearing bikini while men are shamed by both consertive christains like david j stewart and feminist like anita sarkeesian for finding women attractive and masterbation and saying the women look pretty in the most polite way as possible ...is any wonder why people become sjw,feminist,mra,mgtow and atheist,misotheist and anti theist because of people like you mr.stewart...while I do not agree with modernday 3rd wave feminist like anita sarkeesian,rebecca watson,onision and chantybinx who are just as a hypocrite as david j stewart while I do not idenfy as feminist I do support women's rights lIke voteing women having jobs women having to dress however they want,women being ceo.engeneer,sciencetist,female solders,female astronauts,female doctors,teachers,nurse,mothers,single or married,female firefighters,female presedents and even female preachers who preach to both men and women who even better at preacheING the gospel than you mr stewart and pastor steve anderson ..thare should more female preachers!Heather veich of jc girls ministry is better preacher than david j stewart and pastor steve anderson I much rather listing to serah bessey,Heather veich and rachel held evans than david j stewart,jerry felwell and pastor steve anderson...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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