The introduction to the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible confesses that it “falls short” of being “perfect,” and the NIV certainly does! However, the translating committee of the NIV also claims that “ALL” Bible translations today “fall short” of perfection. The translators of the NIV wrote in the preface, “Like all translations of the Bible, made as they are by imperfect man, this one undoubtedly falls short of its goals.” It falls short of being God's Word too!
The translators of the NIV are telling us that no one has God's Word today, that all translations are flawed and have errors in them. Do you really believe that the same God who spoke the universe into existence is incapable or unwilling to preserve His Word for today's generation? God promised in Psalms 12:6-7 to preserve His Word until all generation. If God has preserved those inspired Words for every generation, then His Words are still inspired today. Please read, “The Inspiration Of The Almighty In The King James Bible!”
The NIV translators claim that we are all at the mercy of imperfect men to give us a reliable Bible, but what about a sovereign and omnipotent God? God gave us the King James Bible.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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