Rev. Al-Yahnai Hawkins #fundie

+Gilbert Bautista and +OmenXIII ... OR ~ you could use the Facts and teach that the Moon gives off it's own Light - and does not reflect the Sun as we have/had all been deceived into thinking. For instance - when the Moon is first Full - the Sun sets... then some time after you cannot see the Sun anymore because it allegedly falls below the horizon - some time afterwards... the Full Moon pops up from the opposite horizon - AND... there is simply No Way that the sun could be hitting it. Now I would not want to leave you without any True answer as to why this is so, and therefore I admit the Truth to you for your understanding: Gen 1:14 And YHWH said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, so we know the Moon is for signs and seasons... Gen 1:15 and let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so. Gen 1:16 And YHWH made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. Rev 12:9 explains why we were taught that the "Sun" was what made the "Moon" shine, but why do we believe such a thing and even teach it to our children? Because when we do - we call our Loving Creator a Liar... and that pleases the Devil because we believe her Lies - over the Truth of what our Holy Scriptures say is True. Don't feel bad - I just came to Understand this my own self here Last Night - at 10:30 - after the sun had set a little over 2 hours prior - and when I saw the Moon... IT CLICKED!!! and I came to realize then and there - that we been Lied to all of our lives - no way could the sun be hitting the Moon at All... being almost 3/4th full give or take - no way the Sun could be hitting it, and that is when I ran to get my Holy Bible and I read Genesis 1 again for the umpteenth time - and boy... was I deceived greatly for around 58 years of my life- but... Not no more = And you? Ever play pool? It is played best by understanding Angles - and... there is just no way that there is such an Angle with Sun Light... the Light is all from the Moon Itself!!! What a Brain Blower, eh? I have definitely Repented, and I will never teach that deceptional Lie EVER... again... Peace~?



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