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Why Hillary’s maternity leave proposal will crush our economy

Last week, I was sitting at my desk, working hard, when I came across Hillary Clinton’s latest campaign talking point. Her latest way to steal our freedoms and crush our businesses involved something near and dear to my heart – family and motherhood.

And I was blown away. I shook my head in awe of this stupidity.

Honestly, I’m not a political expert but I do have common sense. And motherhood, working hard, and small businesses are things that are key to my family and my life.

Hillary’s proposed plan guarantees 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to care for a new child or seriously ill family member. Beyond this government mandate, it also mandates that the person taking leave get at least 2/3 of their current wages. It claims to impose no additional costs on small businesses. How is this even possible?

It’s going to “make the wealthy” pay “their fair share.” Whatever these words mean— which usually just means justifying socialist policies that harm hard workers.

Trump’s latest plan also would mandate six weeks of paid leave, but it has nothing on Hillary’s. I would love to see private businesses be able to voluntarily offer this tremendous, unheard of benefit, but never should we support government forcing this uneconomic, unrealistic boondoggle.

Does Hillary Clinton plan to enforce this latest mandate on every single business? Even the small businesses that truly make this country great and employ most of our people?

How does she plan on putting all of this in effect?

I think of my husband, who owns a construction company, and how much that would affect his business.

I think of the small doctor’s office I have been employed by for the last seven years, and I think of how much something like this would change us here.

My husband and I were talking, and figuring out the math and logistics behind this, and here is a basic way to look at Hillary’s proposed plan.

If this was in effect – and say I make approximately $60,000.00 (easiest math) and I had a baby. That is AT LEAST $9,200.00 and 12 weeks off of work that I would be “guaranteed” to have with Hillary’s plan.

CAN YOU IMAGINE?????!!!!! Where is this money going to be coming from? I know I will get bashed for this, but no one deserves that! I have been at my job for over seven years now, and I was thrilled to have even two weeks paid vacation time to use toward my month long “maternity” leave. Where is the common sense in any of these plans? Where is the connection to reality?

We should all be capitalists!! We need to get back to the basics. We need to work and not feel entitled to everything in life. We live in a world where everyone is looking for a crutch, where we compare everything to every other person and what they have, and trust me, I can be guilty of this at times too.

But when we keep up this “poor me” attitude and an attitude of entitlement, our country will go nowhere but down. And we have been going down fast! I look at what my kids will be growing up with, and what their society will be EXPECTING, and it really does leave me speechless.

All of these people yelling everything from “free birth control” to “free college.” Do they not realize that when things are guaranteed, the prices actually go up, and all of our taxes go up along with it in order to pay for it? Where is the work ethic? Where is the incentive to do it on your own?

This is just further proof that Hillary Clinton wants to continue to “spread the wealth” just like Obama’s main plan was – make us all EQUAL no matter what our work ethic really is.

This goes beyond maternity leave plans, or medical leave plans. It’s a bigger issue than all of that. We need to get back to the basics as a country and we as Americans need to realize not everything in life should be handed to you.

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Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far
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