I frequently receive e-mails from evolutionists who accuse me of being ignorant of science.
Because you are, as you make perfectly clear throughout your post. The very fact that you refer to those who accept the Theory of Evolution as "evolutionists" goes to show you have a hefty religious slant.
The absurdity of their accusations rests in the FACT that evolution is NOT based upon science, but rather upon unproven speculations.
The fail is strong with this one. If you call it unproven speculations then it becomes clear you have never even opened a science textbook in your life.
"Science" means "to study."
YOU FAIL! Science is derived from the Latin word "Scientia" which translates to "Knowledge," you 'tard.
How can you study something that doesn't exist?
A question I often pose to creationists.
How can you call evolution science if it cannot be studied?
Unfortunately for you, it can be studied. We've studied various bacteria and found that some types have evolved to metabolize nylon. Nylon was invented by humans around the 1930s. Now how can these types of bacteria consume nylon if not for them evolving to do so?
Evolution is a THEORY, not science.
Any arguement you might have had just went shooting out of the window with this one statement. It is painfully clear that you have no clue what a scientific theory is.
Taken from Dictionary.com
A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.
The reason why evolution is only a theory is simply because no one can prove that it ever happened.
Right, just like the Theory of Gravity, Theory of Relativity, Atomic Theory, and the Quantum Field Theory, just to name a few.
This guy isn't so much fundie as he is just plain stupid.