[H. Caulfield:
As a sufferer of OCD, I must say that I am a bit horrified by the description of anxiety disorders as a "lack of faith". Anxiety disorders are the result of chemical imbalances, and, although they can be somewhat alleviated by faith, are not the result of a lack thereof.]
A fake name and irreligious liberal excuses? You're off to a great start. You may find it difficult to accept the truth presented by conservapedia, but we will not censor it because you do.
H. Caulfield is a fake name? So Harold, Henry, Henrietta, Harriet, etc. have no real name if there last name is Caulfield? "Weathers, Rod" sounds like a really pathetic attempt at a joke. at least get an actual funny name, like "Richard Loufere" or something. Edit: Percy has a good name for this as well.
It's not difficult for me to accept truth; I just haven't yet seen Conservapedia offer any.
By the way, what does one call aficionados of that site? Conservapediophiles?
I'm at least somewhat pleasantly surprised that someone at Conservapedia understands a literary reference when he sees one.
Apart from that--what a jackass! Attitudes like his were what kept me away from the help I needed as a teenager with chronic clinical depression. (And no, praying didn't help.)
The use of chemicals to treat disorders (that have complex symptoms and causes) is always going to be controversial and open to misuse and overuse. No doubt in 50 years we will know a lot more about what we so crudely attempt to control now. But to pretend that the brain is not a physical organ, and to blame sufferers of ill health for their own bad luck (essentially) is pretty evil and repugnant to any sane adult.
This makes me laugh and cry at the same time. I don't know anyone with obvious OCD in real life, but on that MTV show True Life (one of the few that doesn't turn your brain into total mush) they had an episode on OCD. One of the girls on it had to do everything just so and touch the left side of everything because if she didn't, she thought that God would kill her mother. In her case, the fact that she did believe in God and had a fair amount of faith kept her practically paralyzed with fear.
Then she got some therapy, went on meds, and realized that God was not, in fact, going to kill her mom if she didn't put her lotion bottles in order of height from tallest to shortest starting on the left.
"You may find it difficult to accept the truth presented by conservapedia, but we will not censor it because you do."
Generally, I don't accept that conservapedia has anything to do with truth.
truth presented by conservapedia
ohhh heeeelllll no!!! Stop it! I'm laughing my ass off here!
The words "truth" and "conservapedia" does not go together, there is simply no truth to be found over at Conservapedia, none whatsoever.
Good thing I took my diazapam or I might punch this arse. Physical anxiety can sometimes be relieved by a good punching.
Dear Rod, since my GAD isn't "in my head" in fact, during an attack I'm much more rational than you ever are, I don't think switching to YOUR faith will help me at all. Taoism is helping a bit though...
A fake name and irreligious liberal excuses? You're off to a great start.
As a sufferer of OCD,
Fuck you,
Fuck you,
Fuck you.
I Broke Free , that was the issue for me as well. I kept having obsessional thoughts and images, and I'd try to balance those out with religious images to make things "even" and "okay." While I still use images to help, they are not necessarily all religious-and the medication certainly helps!
And, I suppose anytime someone is sick, they should either "suck it up!" or go broke paying for medications, like all good Americans! Not like those evil, liberal , poor, welfare-guzzling, n****r Americans!
OK by me Mr. Weathers. If you or any member of your family is sick with any form of mental illness in the future, just pray, and refuse any medications which science has developed. If you want to live in the 9th Century, fine, just dont't expect us to join you there.
There's nothing you can say about Conservapedia that will shame them. Their members and participants have already willfully adopted the stance of being lovers of violence, stupidity and bigotry.
They have accepted that they are dumbo losers with no hope at all for themselves or their children, so they consider lies, propaganda, deceit, cheating and hating as among the higher art-forms. So all insults are like water off a duck's back to them. The moment they realise that they are arseholes, is the moment that they know they will never achieve any higher disposition.
Therefore, what they consider as truth is that which pokes it's tongue out at someone else's well-being. They are happy being ignorant and nasty. So if anyone's expecting wisdom and truth at Conservapedia, I'm sorry to say that those expectations will be in vain.
If, on the other hand, you have lost all credibility and are consumed by self-loathing, enjoy being a jerk and reveling in unethical behaviour then, by all means, become an aficionado.
A fake name and irreligious liberal excuses? You're off to a great start. You may find it difficult to accept the truth presented by conservapedia, but we will not censor it because you do.
Look, I'll accept that you hate democrats. I'll accept that you honestly believe that Barak Obama isn't an American Citizen. I'll accept that you believe that there's only one, true religion. Hell, I'll even accept that you believe your God created the world in 6, literal days 4,000 years ago.
But I refuse to accept that anyone is stupid enough to truly tell someone that the medical disorders are the result of a lack of faith. You sicken me, sir. It is assholes like you that are responsible for countless unnecessary deaths at in the name of "faith healing." You don't deserve a chance to push you odious beliefs on anyone, and if it weren't for that pesky First Amendment that you hide behind, all the while trampling every other part of the Constitution of the United States, I would do everything in my power to ensure people like you were locked up for life!
@I Broke free: I had OCD as a christian (light switches mostly), but it completely dissapeared when I rejected the supernatural. I have an interest in this subject and have found that most OCD sufferers find that their symptoms dissapear or are greatly reduced once they leave religion behind.
I'd love to hear more about this. If you have any links, could you please PM me on the forums? My user name there is tmarcl.
God dammit Rod, you flit. Now I gotta defend Caulfield. I hated Catcher. You phony.
Now that that's out of the way, you fail. My sister has anxiety disorders and hasn't left the Church. Meanwhile I have no disorder of note and am the family's atheist.
There was an older girl at my elementary school who had OCD. She was also from, I believe, a Catholic family like many students were. Now I want to find her and see if she's embraced atheism and if that has had any effect on her OCD.
Remember these people think that worrying about your house burning down is sick, but worrying about praying enough is perfectly healthy.
I'm watching it go down with a friend of a friend who has to commit his wife on a regular basis (about 4 times a year). She's become a fundie and the church is trying to fight him at every turn.
As a Christian who struggles with anxiety and ADHD, I cordially invite you to go screw yourself! My disorders originate from a chemical imbalance with which I was BORN; you insensitive, ignorant jerk!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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