Since 2000 years ago when a man named Jesus showed up.
A true Christian is someone who believes God is watching, and someone who does what God wants because more than anything, they want to get into heaven. In that sense, Christianity is absolutely a virtue.
See, then you make an Evil Kineval-type leap to assume I meant that other religions lack virtue. Awful assumpion on your part.
Bush is a trus Christian, he is not a Muslim or a Jew. In his case, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, his Christianity defines a lot of what he does.
In a President, I'll take a true Christian over a "free thinker" any day...
No of course, there are terrible folks who call themselves Christians. I'm talking about good Christians, like Bush!
A true Christian is someone who believes God is watching, and someone who does what God wants because more than anything, they want to get into heaven. In that sense, Christianity is absolutely a virtue.
So many of the things that Christians (and, to be fair, other believers) do because they think a magic sky pixie is watching are absolutely not virtues.
In his case, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, his Christianity defines a lot of what he does.
That's a large part of the problem.
No of course, there are terrible folks who call themselves Christians.
True Scotsman, party of zero, your table is ready.
I'm talking about good Christians, like Bush!
Wow, beg the question much?
A true Christian is someone who believes God is watching, and someone who does what God wants because more than anything, they want to get into heaven. In that sense, Christianity is absolutely a virtue.
With other words, because all he wants is to go to heaven, a true christian as president might start a (conventional or nuclear) war without a second thought if he believes god wants him to do this.
Well, if I think about it, didn´t Bush even say that god wanted him to invade iraq?
Well, I prefer a president who uses logical thinking a a mean to take his decisions, not some inner voices in his head ;)
A good Christian's appropriately scared out of his wits about eternal punishment in the afterlife, and so rather than learn to be virtuous for the sake of goodness, he has to be virtuous to save his own butt.
Unnecessary wars bankrupting this country, economic policies that created a terrible recession, children without health care, millions unemployed, the murder of thousands of our children fighting overseas, the systematic genocide of a sovereign nation, fomenting hatred and bigotry against those who are different from you...
What else have I missed that True Christians do?
A true Christian follows the teaching of Christ. that's why it'd called Christianity. Look at the first six letters of the word Christian. The day you follow the teaching of Christ will never happen though. Christ's teaching is not right-wing enough for you.
Fundies are actually more political animal than religious follower.
According to the bible, a true Christian is someone who believes in salvation through Jesus Christ.
Also according to the bible, such people can drink deadly poisons and not be harmed.
See where I'm going with this?
Bush? the man who stole, lied and killed?
I am pretty sure those are the things that make you a bad christian.
It's a virtue to commit good because of fear of punishment?
When Montreal police went on strike, there were 2 murders, 6 bank robberies, 12 cases of arson, 40 truckloads of glass were broken, 100 stores were looted, and $10,000,000 in damage was caused. On the first day of the strike. And you think it's a virtue to do good when motivated by fear of punishment?!
A true Christian is someone who believes God is watching, and someone who does what God wants because more than anything, they want to get into heaven.
So true christians are superstitious primitives afraid of the boogieman, and they do "good" not because they think it's the right thing to do but because the boogieman will hurt them if they don't.
Outstanding definition of christianity.
Bush is a trus Christian, he is not a Muslim or a Jew. In his case, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, his Christianity defines a lot of what he does.
- So Christianity, you are saying, is a religion that
=====encourages lying on a monumental scale
=====approves of torture
=====favours sweetheart deals in business
=====supports capital punishment
=====accepts the deaths of others to serve a political end?
To clarify: when they said 'Bush is a trus[...]' they meant 'trustafarian' but realized they couldn't spell it and went straight in with 'christian' instead.
From urbandictionary:
1. trustafarian
a. a spoiled rich white kid who smokes pot.
A virtue is stuff like loyalty, courage and patience. They're desirable characteristics that can be present in anyone regardless of religion, race, etc.
Bush and his puppet-masters are less like Jesus, and more like the pharisees that Jesus chased out of the Temple when he was young.
If they read the words of Jesus with the source removed, they'd probably say that it was communist propaganda.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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