Jamie M #fundie topix.com

Since 2000 years ago when a man named Jesus showed up.

A true Christian is someone who believes God is watching, and someone who does what God wants because more than anything, they want to get into heaven. In that sense, Christianity is absolutely a virtue.

See, then you make an Evil Kineval-type leap to assume I meant that other religions lack virtue. Awful assumpion on your part.

Bush is a trus Christian, he is not a Muslim or a Jew. In his case, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, his Christianity defines a lot of what he does.

In a President, I'll take a true Christian over a "free thinker" any day...

No of course, there are terrible folks who call themselves Christians. I'm talking about good Christians, like Bush!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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