Why is the 13th Amendment never mentioned in relation to pharmacists being forced to serve people wanting to buy the morning after pill and doctors who refuse to artificially inseminate lesbians? Am I the only one who sees that it applies perfectly?
Am I the only one who sees that an aluminum folding chair applies perfectly upside MichaelK's head?
(Sorry, that's so wrong of me. I should be aiming for a part that MichaelK *uses*.)
If you cannot fulfill the requirements of a job FOR ANY REASON, you SHOULDN'T HAVE THE JOB.
Morally opposed to birth-control pills? Don't put yourself in a position to be handling them!
Morally opposed to abortion? Don't have one, and don't work as an OBGYN.
Your religious freedom ENDS when it your religion interferes with your fucking JOB. And when it interferes with your job, you get fucking FIRED. As it should be. You have NO RIGHT to complain about getting canned FOR REFUSING TO DO YOUR JOB.
Firstly, it's not slavery if you're doing a job you chose to do and are being paid for. By definition.
Secondly, if you allow people to pick and choose which parts of their jobs to do then you open the door to all kinds of abuse. If you don't feel comfortable doing the job you're paid to do, then get another job.
Thirdly, if Conservapedia had been around in the 19th century it would undoubtedly have opposed the Thirteenth Amendment and supported the losing side in the Civil War.
head meet wall
hello wall
I'll give him the benefit of a doubt and assume he means the 14th Amendment.
In which case it goes the other way around in that the pharmacists customers are guaranteed equal protection to access of medical care.
I look at it as a pharmacist is a licensed professional. If he wont supply a legal drug then it may prevent access to it for women in one town. As professionals they should commit to supplying any legal drug thats requested of them. I dont want my pharmasist making moral judgements about me and determining if I can get drugs prescribed by a Doctor.
I have no idea of the legal situation regarding AI , it would seem to be the Doctors choice. AI is not a situation where someone can suffer adverse consequences if not provided with a service today.
ps. any christian refusing to supply the morning after pill should also refuse birth control pills, condoms, diaphrams, spermicidal jelly, sponges and IUDs. Also medication for any venereal disease since any of that is Gods will.
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